My first Love Puppy spawn and I can't grab its trinket drop at all T______________T
Brb, quitting the game.
My first Love Puppy spawn and I can't grab its trinket drop at all T______________T
Brb, quitting the game.
I'm still in the map, and I still see the trinket. I don't know how to contact a GM, though. I don't plan on leaving this map unless I lose connection somehow. >>
Wow... now the game's really messing with us. I always avoid that room because of the rocket puppy that's usually there, but... wow.
it had to be said :P
But seriously, I'm sorry for you, friend.
Aw, that blows. I actually saw a Love Puppy today, myself. Didn't drop anything, though. Hopefully you can get it somehow, because that's a terrible place for one to have to spawn.
Thank God. I sent in a request and a GM showed up almost immediately, and grabbed the trinket. Thanks GM!
Hi! If you're still there, (and even if you're not, the button is available for general usage if you need help or have a question at any time), you can contact the on-duty GM by clicking on the question mark button at the top of your screen, then following the instructions for a support request. That will take you to our support portal, and you'll want to select "Contact In-Game Support" there.
EDIT: Oh, hah, someone beat me to it as I was writing. Go team!
Aww, that sucks. Do you want a hug?
Already got a hug, thanks for the offer though. :P
Inda, what kind of trinket was it?
Lovepuppy must really love you!
It was the 1* pendant. I don't have any health trinkets so any bonus is better than nothing.
That's very cool of the GMs to help with stuff like that. :) I had no idea they'd help with those kinds of things.
<3 iluguys
They are very nice the first 2 times you ask them for help. After that, the next 10 times you request for help they just come, swing their sword and leave.
All in a single Jelly king run.
Poor Aphrodite...
Very awesome of the GMs to help you. Thanks GMs!
my only issue with that, is that that particular puppy respawns, so you could kill it till you get multiple trinkets, then call the OM to get them all
which seems a little bit like cheating to me.
Only normal puppies spawned after I killed the first Love Puppy, so it's hardly abusable. Love Puppies may not even respawn on that tile, since the GM that helped me had never heard of one spawning there. Maybe it was the first spawn upon the creation of the instance?
I saw a love puppy spawn in that same spot like two days ago, a trinket dropped, but I kinda felt that since the puppies respawned there any drops were kinda void, even from a love puppy.
Sucks cause mine dropped a trinket :/
Now I'm just gonna farm that until one drops and contact a GM to get it for me, it's like cheating, but not.
We will be making some changes in the future that prevents cases like this from occurring.
Good to hear, wouldn't want any more cases like that happening to anyone else xD
From the GM's response to that incident, and from what nick said, a Love Puppy spawning there isn't intended. Exploiting a bug/oversight is usually against the rules. o_o
We here feel for you Indalecio, It did not drop trinket but we know how you feel when you saw it on the island.
We killed it, and got out of there because that rocket puppy was not feeling what the love puppy was feeling.
(I'm Reepo)
We were quite mad really, but this happened to us and it wasn't a fun moment, but for me and my friend it was the second one we had seen since the previous day. We are on a Love Puppy role. Also My friend was recording and probably will be putting up the video soon, and i will inform you folks about that.
The same day I decide to install fraps and record playing Spiral Knights is also the day we see another Love Puppy... the day after we saw one! We argued right before we killed it to see who gets the trinket if it does drop one lol as you can see in the video I uploaded xD And excuse my friend, he's a secks so he can't control himself lolzllolzolzozlozlzozlzozlozlzo LOLz
P.S- watch in 720p or 1080p
Enjoy my children
does it spawn there a lot? i think they should add a small spike bridge like grim gallery, so you can get its stuff after you kill it
I get to see a love puppy sometime, but hopefully the trinket will be grab-able. Glad that a GM helped you out.
My house had a power outage. Will probably never see it again.
Where are the Love Puppys findable? I never saw them in the game :(
Now I'm mad, same thing happened to me and I thought there was nothing I could do about it.
I got another Love Puppy in that room. I thought this was fixed already... Yay for getting trolled twice. -_-
Well, not quite trolled since at least this one didn't drop anything..
(I figured I could just use this thread instead of creating another one. Sorry for digging it up after 6 months.)
i found my firs love puppy on a JK run in the right room in the garden. i was dead in the corner, and when it spawned, i was like, OMG I WANTS THAT SOMEONE REV ME SO WE GET GETTHE HEALTH AND THEN I CAN KILL IT AND GIT ITS TRINKETTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!
and then a wolver nub kills it and says "oopsy, srry, i thought it was healing the enemies" -_-
talk about stupidity... at least it didnt drop a trinket. if it did, and he picked it up, i would have raged so much xD
also, i have a suggestion, devs should make it so that if a wep or somewhat drops from a treasure box or soemthing, everyone gets it.
Check the date.
yeah, i know, but i felt like replying anyway xD
They fixed it in that trinkets will never drop from them, so you can't be disappointed in being unable to get the drop. Love's will still spawn, since it's always nice to have infinite healing.
Oh, I see. I thought they made it so that love puppies wouldn't spawn there, period. Thanks for letting me know.
Heim... you got trolled by the game's own coding twice... I feel sad for you. Have yet to come across this epic creature, wish it would still drop trinks though.
OMG. You should've tried to contact a GM, maybe they could've helped you.