Steam Prestige Missions not Working, Very Very Weird Encounters
Basically, my main steam account cannot do prestige missions, shows error blah blah.
My alt entered the mission without any problems, and I attempted to invite my main:
Shows that my main logged off -- this is weird. Usually a disconnection won't show someone logging off:
Then I tried personal message:
1. Alt -> Main User not online
2. Main -> Alt Success
And before anyone mentions a bug report and say how this post shouldn't exist:
Also, give me some salt.
Closed my main's window.
Relogged using steam, and my main's name popped up on the window bar -- suggesting that I didn't actually logoff but rather disconnected from the servier [?!? what?!]
Closed window, logged on again. Received a personal message from a friend... so I'm not isolated anymore I guess.
/whine stop making multiple posts ;-;
/slap It make things more clear!
Joining prestige missions causes my main to disconnect.
Tried joining haven on my alt, black screen.
Cannot logon ._. I'll go restart the modem.
My main is not able to join any missions.
I can go to haven, and it shows a black screen.
Logged off, there was not a duplicated "Euclidean-Space logged off".