Pwnographic- The Return

1 respuesta [Último envío]

What is Pwnographic?

Pwnographic is a newly rebuilt guild founded by Mini-the-monsta. The guild has members whose interests vary, some like to battle it out against other players in Lockdown while others like to bully Vanaduke in Almire , and of course we also got some people who just chill in haven while some pretend to be stockbroker and try to earn profit from the energymarket.

Our Guild Masters and Officers


  • Mini-the-Monsta


  • Divine-Guardian
  • Lords-Bro
  • Rogholder
  • Death-Monsta


  • Blishtar
  • Clytiusm
  • Sliqs

So,how can I get into Pwnographic? and what are the requirements?

Well my friends , getting into this guild easier than stealing candy from a baby. All you gotta do is be fully 4 star
and if you meet this requirement , then reply to this Post and stating your name and we will invite you.
P.S You can also pm or mail officers directly for invite.

Check this out -----> : The Founder's YouTube Channel (Not Porn I Swear)

Imagen de Yvelta
Ign Yvelta

Ign Yvelta