It took a few days to get to use the forums (I heard their were issues with posting here anyway) . I recently dropped $20 due to the welcoming pack (and the sake of getting more mileage out of my review) and while it is nice, I can see why the Mist System would put people off (who knows, maybe once we get more content we won’t need it any longer to explore).
Though as a new person I could see some things I’d like to have in game once OOO gets around to it and if they think it’s good enough.
- More “cute” gear: It’s more of an ascetic thing but I would appreciate more female helmets (even if they are costumes and if costumes only be reasonably priced). Who knows, we could end up seeing some knighs with two front balloons.
- Armor that (slowly) recovers health overtime: Clockwork runs can be brutal….buying Crystal Energy can be brutal…spending that Crystal Energy on revives can be REALLY brutal. Even if you need to stand still to get it to work it would be nice to have.
- Life Drain Weapons: Even if it means they’re slow or weak in terms of damage.
- Other Weapons besides guns/bombs/swords: They’re KNIGHTS for crying out loud! Where are the axes, the maces, the spears, etc…?
- Converting Crystal Energy into Mist Tanks: It might seem senseless for some but for others it could help them keep their spending in check and to ensure they got a store of energy for Clockwork plunges (of course this conversion would be one way and the price for said conversion would need to be tweaked to insure the system doesn’t get broken in half).
gear and stuff i could care less for its function that should matter not form
thats the point the clockworks are suppose to be brutal something like that would offset that difficulty
no thanks i think we are good without the life drain
well i am sure they are developing more weapons as to what they are we can never know
ok 200 CE into a single non-tradeable mist tank