First of all, I can't describe how happy I am that spiral knights has been acquired by Grey Havens instead of being shut down completely. Even if I haven't played in a year or more, I still draw much of my inspiration from it's simplified art style (Thanks Ian & team!).
That said I returned after deciding I'd like to model a spiral knight myself for a 3D character design class/portfolio, but wanting to make sure I had written permission to do so. (copyright and such, Terms Sec6.1). Try as I might though, I couldn't find an email associated with the Grey Havens team. Does one exist? If not does anyone know the best way to contact the staff? I've tried Support but it's not quite appropriate given the context.
Thanks a bunch!
-Retired Knight
Tried to find an email for Grey Havens a couple weeks ago and never found anything. Would appreciate if someone could shed some light on this.