Players with over 1000 hours of gameplay, that already have everything that they want, just have a lot of crowns (dont need to be that much, around 2m its a fine number, farming 30k each day for 9,5 weeks you get that, what about years without new content farming) or ofc you can get 20k energy for 50 obamas, sell it and get the 2m crowns.
With that 2m corwns you can buy the cheaper energy at the moment, that will be like 20k energy +/-, then sell the 20k energy with the cheaper price at the moment, but now, it will be more profitable to sell energy, after all, you just buy 20k energy with the cheaper price, after you are done selling the 20k energy you will be with more than 2m crowns.
If you do that right now, you will buy 20200 energy with 2m crowns and get 2.2m crowns selling it, its a +10%, but i already get +27% profit from doing that, with my poor wallet with 0.1m crowns.
That is how the energy price is so high, players with huge amount of crowns/energy are profiting with the energy trade systen, and dont even tell me that 1000+ offers to sell/buy energy at the same price its just a coincidence... I dont look in to it, but i can gess that Auction House is in the same shape...
A good solution its to set a limit of energy trade on market, to buy or to sell, like 5x to 10x each day.
Welcome to SK! :D