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Gear Review

9 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Tiraid

So I was forced to start over (Due to steam/linux/sk issues) And decided what gear to pursue. Here is the plan, Let me know what you think.
Helm: Dragon Thingy
Armor: Divine Raiment
Weapons: Acheron (With beast UV if I can find the right brandish.) And a Glacius.
Shield: Either BTS or a dragon.
Yes I realize a piercing weapon would probably help. (I don't want to have to craft more than two weapons to start off.)
Yes I realize I will have no normal defence once I reach t3 (At that point most monsters will deal pure ele/shadow/pierce dmg anyway.)
Yes I realize... I can't think of anything else... Oh well.

Bild des Benutzers Bopp

Maybe you're just trolling us? In case not, you might go to the wiki and read Bopp's Sword Guide. Good luck.

Bild des Benutzers Fehzors-Forum-Alt

I would definitely recommend the dragon thingy helm and actual, living breathing dragon, as a shield. This combination is perhaps the fiercest in all of Spiral Knights- the dragon breaths fire, has wings to carry you across pits, crushes your enemies etc. while the dragon thingy is so vague it leaves all foes stunned in wonderment, not wonderment like wow it's cool but wonderment like what is it because no one can has ever seen one.

But seriously you're using brandishes just go make chaos and spam lol. That's how like, 99% of players go about their business.

Bild des Benutzers Neometal
utter crap

Even if you were to make the dragon scale + divine combo, you should do it the other way around: divine hood + dragon scale mail, since the divine hood has that extra fiend med dmg. The bts is a good shield, though.

You are misinformed, not most of the monsters do pure non-normal dmg in t3, only a part of montsters' attacks are like that. Plus, if you will be spamming fsc like most endgame players, trojans and even the wheels can rekt you.

Just get the chaos set and you are good to go. Most areas in sk are easy af, unless you suck at the game or have lagg issues.

Bild des Benutzers Tiraid
I did not realize how tired I

I did not realize how tired I was when I wrote this. Sorry about that. I was mistaken. Darn you faulty memory. I don't want to make the chaos set, because everyone else does. I might just end up doing a full echo set. Thanks for setting me straight.
I don't troll anyone I don't know.

Bild des Benutzers Bopp

Even though the armor in this game is woefully imbalanced, I'm all for having diversity. But why don't you get some armor that gives offensive bonuses to your swords, such as Vog Cub or Skolver? (You might find my armor guide helpful too.)

Why have you chosen Glacius over Combuster or Voltedge? Why would you want a beast UV on your sword? I would go for CTR followed by ASI.

Bild des Benutzers Nebrium


Black Kat Set.

Bild des Benutzers Tiraid

I've come to my senses.
Thanks too all who did this:
I'm gonna shoot for vog.
The reason I would want a beast UV on the nightblade (In theory, probably not in practice.) Is since I'm not going for a piercing weapon I will need something more effective against beast. I like the Glacius because of the freeze, and because it looks better than the others. (In my opinion.)

Bild des Benutzers Fehzors-Forum-Alt

I don't want to make the chaos set, because everyone else does.

I mean there's a reason everyone else is making it. At least consider experiencing it at some point, because it's one of the highlights of Spiral Knights.

Oh, and vog is fine too. I quite like vog, actually. Fire resist is powerful and the ASI for swords is pretty nice, especially on heavier swords but brandishes do benefit as well.

Bild des Benutzers Bopp
beast UV vs. piercing

The reason I would want a beast UV on the nightblade (In theory, probably not in practice.) Is since I'm not going for a piercing weapon I will need something more effective against beast.

That's reasonable, but let me tell you why I disagree. Beasts are the easiest monster family, and fiends are the hardest (in my opinion, which is shared by many players that I know). Don't bother optimizing your equipment for beasts, but do consider optimizing it for fiends. Consider getting a fiend UV on that Glacius, instead of a beast UV on that Acheron (if you're going to get either one).

By the way, in my experience Dark Briar Barrage is the fastest way to deal with beasts and the safest way to deal with fiends. Consider that too. Cheers.