I m planning to put in some money to obtain energy to change to cr, currently planning to buy 7.5k energy and estimated cr is 700k+minimum, will that be enugh to build the chaos set starting from its 2 star?
How much cr require to build chaos set(chaos cowl& cloak)
See http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Crafting#Economics. For each piece you're going to spend about 40,000 crowns on recipes and about 9,000 crowns on crafting. You will also need some orbs of alchemy, which you might already have in your arsenal. If you don't have them, then you'll spend up to 1,400 energy, which is about 140,000 crowns, on them. You'll also need some materials, most of which you already have.
I could see you spending 200,000 crowns per piece total. So that's 400,000 crowns for both pieces. It's well within your budget. Happy travels.
So 7k energy for the set, and 400k cr. So 100enercy=9kcr minimum, 1000energy=90kcr minimum, 7000energy=630kcr minimum and plus a 45k(500energy) . All together is 675kcr+ minimum.
Hand crafted: 675kcr-400kcr(estimated price for hand craft)= 275kcr left
Depot: 675kcr-630kcr=45kcr left
So definately hand craft is cheaper but the time to level the stuff up, will it be worth? If it is worth where is the best place the get heat. Thanks in advance.
So all and all i think depot is quicker and better, i will still hacve 45kcr left and will sell my cobalt set for 20k which i will add in to become 65k+. These numbers are all just estimation and minimum count. Current energy to cr is 100:9.6k as of today if not mistaken.
Recipes bought from the HoH are bound upon purchase.
Advantages of making it yourself:
1. It's much cheaper than buying from the Supply Depot.
2. You have a chance of valuable unique variants, every time you upgrade.
3. You get a sense of satisfaction from seeing your items progress, rather than just having a super-powerful item appear out of nowhere.
Advantages of buying it from the Supply Depot:
4. It's much faster than leveling up the item yourself.
An important consideration, that doesn't favor one or the other:
5. Either way, you get an *unheated* 5-star item. You don't really have to heat 5-star armor, but if you want to heat it, then that will take a lot of Radiants, which you might not have.
My opinion:
Do not ever buy from the Supply Depot. Its only advantage, speed, is only an advantage if you don't actually enjoy playing Spiral Knights. If that's the case, then do something else with your time.
"Do not ever buy from the Supply Depot. Its only advantage, speed, is only an advantage if you don't actually enjoy playing Spiral Knights. If that's the case, then do something else with your time."
Why don't you let people decide for themselves what to do with their time.
What's right before the text that you quoted? "My opinion". Take it easy.
I support Bopp on this one. You can buy stuff from depot sure, but if you like playing the game then rather just play it and gather and craft your gear much much cheaper that way. More fun too.
Also note what Neo said. Hall of Heroes recipes are bound. So make sure you buy them for yourself if they are HoH recipes.
A few tips for unbound recipes to find in some ranked missions lobbies:
2 star: Magic Cloak and Hood: 4-3 Mission: Shocking Sentient Sentries
3 star: Elemental Cloak and Hood: 6-1 Mission: Axes of Evil
4 star: Miracle Cloak and Hood: 7-3 Mission: Beyond the Axes of Evil
These recipes can be bought by anyone and then given to you.
Hey, there are 2 ways of obtaining the chaos set, buying it from the depot, and crafting it (and buying it from other players but it's better not unless you want uv'ed gear). The ammount you need to BUILD a chaos set from scratch(2*), is very low, assuming you just started the game and you dont want to farm for eternal orbs, you need 800 energy for 5* orbs, 400 for 4* orbs 200 for 3* orbs, so 1400 on orbs alone, then you will need the recipes, ask a vanguard friend to buy you the recipes from the hall of heroes so you dont buy it from the auction house wich is overpriced, 5k + 10k + 25k crowns if im not mistaken for the 3*, 4* and 5* recipes, then double that to have the whole set ( 2 pieces).
and lastly but not least, forging, since you're building the set yourself, you will be heating your gear , and wenever it levels up, you will need to use crystals to get it to the next level, i'd recommend you farming crystals, since buying crystals with energy, even from the depot is really overpriced.
so with a 7.5k energy package you can BUILD around around 5-6 5* items, haven't made the math, but you will deffinetly be able to craft the chaos set.
(or if you want to skip all of that, buy the set for 7k(3.5k each)energy on the supply depot)