I recently made this of myself and I'm looking to sharpen my skills by making more art like this, so if you send me a picture of your character I'll try my best to make you an art.
Free character art
Looking good. It looks 3D, like you traced a 3D object. That's really hard to do.
Lol just kidding m8 it looks better than anything I've ever done ill send you something later; later as in 18 hours from now.
Okay, yes, I did, in fact, trace it, but it did take a while and my technique needs work.
Haha yeah I know that was mostly sarcasm, but that's pretty true regardless.
I don't think coloring over an image suddenly makes it yours...
Your drawing. It's more of a drawing than the other two, if you're wondering why it looks different.
Though I can't sign in on SK or show you a picture of my knight, but I can give deets.
Citrine Rose Chapeau Hat
Yellow Battle Chef Coat Acc. ( Regal Pauldrons, Golden Wolver Tail )
I really really really wish I could attach crest of storms to this costume, but then I'd have to sacrifice regal pauldrons :/ . I also wish I had a citrine aura or a sunshine aura.
If you wanna go ahead and attach other acc to my costume in a drawing, that's fine. :D
Personal color is a cross between blue and violet, like a really dark purple/navy-blue ish.
If you still can, Can I get one?
Heres a ref:
It...may be a little small, but do you think you could do my profile picture on Steam?
Electrosheep, you get points for trying and not tracing.
I'm too lazy to do art. The trying part is too hard.
can't really do art that much :(
here's yours, sorry for the lack of accuracy/detail, but your picture was VERY small. Also i couldnt figure out how to do the slash lines properly, so... http://imgur.com/a/hhGD7
If you have the free time I would love some fan art of this : http://imgur.com/a/3I2go
(don't bother with the text)
i got 2, prefer the first one if u cant do both
Free stuff, yay! XD
She has Military Valkyrie Wings, you just can't see them very well in those pictures.