Hello Since the new Iron Guild Hall Update i been thinking to start off a Chess tournament for the chess player we have in Spiral Knights.
If you would like to join please go on this link ---->https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdcQ9pbFi_7ig02nR3Rmrfr1atKwDTnYC1LQzR_JUONP7EbzQ/viewform?c=0&w=1 <---.
1st-30,000 crowns
2nd-15,000 crowns
3rd-5,000 crowns
If you have any questions contact in game:Kingnickolas or Trami.
1st Spiral knights Chess Tournament

This amuses me a bit.
Thank you very much Grey Havens.

This sounds fun. I've yet to get my Knight (and me!) to even see these pieces in a guild hall though. XD
Only downside is that depending on when it is I may not get to participate.

If this becomes a regular weekly thing I'll play Sk again when I am finally back home.

I like the idea, my only concern however is that people might use a site/computer intelligence to determine their moves for them which would kinda ruin the tournament. I've personally ran into 2 people (one who had admitted to the use of one) that have used these programs so I'm curious how you would try and prevent such a thing. :L Anywho, cheers for the idea.

The best way to determine is that if they have to AFK for a moment, then they should go into the Mission tab. If they're in it for over 5:00 total accumulative time, they can be DQ'd.

The best way to determine is that if they have to AFK for a moment, then they should go into the Mission tab. If they're in it for over 5:00 total accumulative time, they can be DQ'd.
I think no one would cheat for a chess game and if they do there will be rules to prevent that any of it from happening.

There are people who would do that, especially on the internet. I actually recommend that we should do Timed Games in tournaments. Recommended is the 30 minute one, because you have a limited time to defeat your opponent before your timer runs out. That would also mean there'd be Time Pressure, where if you're at around 5 minutes, you won't have much time to decide if you take that long.
Since you are right you will be the one in charge of timing and streaming the game while happening.And plus i will add extra rules to try to prevent that from happening.(If you want to extend this conversation please mail me in spiral knights).

Spuds has 2 full table, in case you need a place.
Nice that you organise this!
but I would recommend not attaching prizes to this at all, because it just invites cheaters. A time limit will not prevent anyone from using a chess computer to do the moves for them. Each player needs some time to "think" and for a cheater it takes 2 seconds to input the opponents move and for the computer to return the move they should make. In fact, the harsher you make the time limit, the easier it becomes for the cheater because if a fair player is under time pressure, he will make more mistakes and the computer will capitalize on those quickly. It can be fun for casual playing with people that you know, but if you invite strangers and promise them a prize for winning, I don't think you can expect a fair game.

Yep as Veridiandynamics said we have two full sets available with seating area if needed~ More than welcome to use the place~ i can easily remove the member door on the top room for easier access rather than running around thru the other room~ If anything let me know~ As long as our hall is open ofc everyone is welcome to come~
~Alex-Spuds :3
This sounds cool, too bad cheating trash exists.
Let's see....chess is a game that needs time to be played properly. There needs some way to differentiate time spent thinking vs time spent looking up moves on a separate tab/computer. The only real way to do this would be to stream visual of the actual player sitting behind its/their (idk which pronoun to use anymore...) computer. Other than that, you could do speed chess instead, where moves have to be made within 5 seconds.

I agree, but at the same time, speed chess will not work for players with extreme lag. Streaming is also very resource intensive, and those who barely meet the game's minimum requirements probably can't stream the game. Besides, to be 100% sure, we'd also need a webcam to make sure that the player isn't referring to....outside sources....
Also, because Autofire's Steam account is a pain to use, he wanted me to let people know he signed up and is excited to face off against other players.
Due to the low amount of players entering the tournament 18/40.
And my Intel have told me that many people will try to cheat in a chess game to receive ''easy loot''
I would speed up the game but chess is all about thinking 10 steps ahead of your opponent.
So there for there will be only 1 winner.
Winner take all of 30k,First piece touch must move and you must move at all times.(can't stand still).

Moving around all the time is actually a decent idea to prevent cheating.

Ok, I think you're overexaggerating a bit, guys. It is not possible for anyone to cheat under the time limit of 30 minutes. Seriously, it's impossible to apply a cheating mechanism to Spiral Knights unless you tab out of the game and pull up a calculator of sorts to determine what your next move is. Then comes the piece placement. But yes, I am willing to add a Skype view to my stream. So please, don't get crazy about it @Kingnickolas .

I'm pretty sure Required Movement always applies to standard Chess.
So uhh... How is the competition gonna work? Brackets? Not that I'm joining(because I know I'm gonna lose).

Ok, this is a bit ridiculous, might as well not host a tournament with prize if you're worried about cheating. Just because someone is moving does not always truly illustrate that they are not cheating. There's always a way to cheat over the internet, you can only make it difficult for them to. Absolute zero movement requires some players to problem solve btw.
I've played in chess mini tournaments before. There's no way to tell if someone cheats unless you have professionals look/watch/study the game and be the judge (includes match history/rating, rating cap.)

I dont know why you think that if you set time limits that will help against cheating.
Im thinking exactly the opposite actually. Tab out + move in a chess program is like 5 seconds every turn. That means time limit will only help cheaters. The stricter the better for them. Normal players need more time probably :D
But yeah, true. If someone really want to cheat, then nothing can stop them. So might as well drop the trying. Idk.
You couldn't be more wrong though, I don't even have to tab out of the game. I could literally sit in front of my laptop with my phone in hand and use one of the chess apps you can get for free. I'll just input any move that the opponent makes as my own in the chess app, it will instantly make its own move. I'll then copy the app's move in spiral knights. I'm not going to be losing time at all because I mimic the opponents move while it's still his turn to move a piece. The chess app will destroy a casual player, especially so if you give a casual player limited time to think. If I'm given more time per move, I can increase the amount of time that the chess app has to calculate ahead. I'll still input the moves on my app as soon as you do them, you can't slow that down because it's literally 2 taps on the screen.
There's no feasible way to stop a cheater on online chess, if players want to cheat, they will. It's not just about the 30k crowns either, even if you were to remove the reward, some players might actually cheat just to get the win. And if you focus too much on implementing a way to prevent cheating, players might just try to cheat because it becomes a game to them. They don't want to win at the chess, they want to beat your anti-cheat measurements.
That's why I would suggest not giving out a reward and not trying to stop cheaters. There still might be that one player that cheats just for recognition in the community, but at least you wouldn't be paying him for it. And perhaps there are some active chess players who will beat that guy anyway :)
You couldn't be more wrong though, I don't even have to tab out of the game. I could literally sit in front of my laptop with my phone in hand and use one of the chess apps you can get for free. I'll just input any move that the opponent makes as my own in the chess app, it will instantly make its own move. I'll then copy the app's move in spiral knights. I'm not going to be losing time at all because I mimic the opponents move while it's still his turn to move a piece. The chess app will destroy a casual player, especially so if you give a casual player limited time to think. If I'm given more time per move, I can increase the amount of time that the chess app has to calculate ahead. I'll still input the moves on my app as soon as you do them, you can't slow that down because it's literally 2 taps on the screen.
There's no feasible way to stop a cheater on online chess, if players want to cheat, they will. It's not just about the 30k crowns either, even if you were to remove the reward, some players might actually cheat just to get the win. And if you focus too much on implementing a way to prevent cheating, players might just try to cheat because it becomes a game to them. They don't want to win at the chess, they want to beat your anti-cheat measurements.
That's why I would suggest not giving out a reward and not trying to stop cheaters. There still might be that one player that cheats just for recognition in the community, but at least you wouldn't be paying him for it. And perhaps there are some active chess players who will beat that guy anyway :)
The chess tournament has been canceled due to the reports....I have nothing to say.....But later on this week i will be creating a costume contest with prizes...And of course there will be no cheaters including in this because how would you cheat....I am sorry for wasting your time.

I'm still up for some chess when I get back... I've gotten so bored here that I've carved a chessboard on a wooden antique table and used rocks as chess pieces... My cousin and I had a blast with that lol...

You could probably play a "checkers" tournament, where the pieces are all just checkers pieces (or alternatively, if you have a bunch of extra pawns, use pawns as normal pieces and any other piece for queens).
While there may be "cheaters" in checkers, it's a much lighter game with similar fun factor, and a lot less thinking involved. As far as I know there aren't any checkers apps to work with, so it probably would play out differently.

Not really concerned about the prize so much as it's disheartening to see someone really excited about making something, then quickly shot down for technicalities behind it without any alternative.

Was kidding about you silly lol
But I do despise checkers though. That's why I never learn or acknowledge what the rules are the moment I saw someone hopped a checker piece across the board in one move... I was always a chess wizard.

Nebrium, do you want to play a chess match? My guild has a complete set, and yours might as well.
I won't cheat, but unfortunately you'd just have to take my word for it. I can't really prove it. :P
I'd be willing to stream this Chess Tournament, depending on what day it's scheduled along with matches.