Attempting to log in at 2:30am eastern time and received a failed to connect to server message; internet service is fine. Anyone else experience this problem? Thanks in advance for any info.
Servers down?
ditto on the failed to connect to server
dont tell me.... THE SERVER MELTED DOWN!?!?!
also the forums seem sluggish or is that me
The forums are pretty terrible usually, but the server doesn't make sense! Maybe they're implementing some huge change that they don't want anyone to profit off of!
Okay thanks for the confirmation guys, figure it must be volume related since the new found influx of steam players the number of havens has increased 10X. Looks like they need to invest in some new and more muscular hamsters to work the wheel powering thier servers.
I got the failed to connect to server message too.
And the whole Spiral Knights site is running slow for me.
Same here.... I'm guessing a server crash because of the influx of me and all my steam-powered buddies ;)
This sucks, just found this game, getting in to it now i have to go do other stuff?!?!?! Unspeakable! Hope it's up soon. I didn't even have that much energy left.
Was booted from a Duke run. Unable to log back in. Started having the problem @ 1:30am CST. Forum and Wiki pages take 2-3min to load. Off to play a game with servers online :-/