I've already done my post, but who agrees with me that we should totally get Cronus or Hera to answer these?
Who are you? A 23 question communnity discussion page.

1. The-Judge-Xz | Guildless
2. :o
3. April 2012 | ~6200 hours across all knights.
4. Steam.
5. Spiral | Red | Extra Short
6. I enjoy both equally.
7. E, now.
8. Kat.
9. Vanguard.
10. 4995.
11. Yes.
12. Almirian.
13. Polaris.
14. Almirian set with divine accessories (Bolted Vee, Mecha Wings, Bando, Valk Wings, Snipe Aura).
15. Almirian set with divine accessories (Bolted Vee, Mecha Wings, Bando, Valk Wings, Snipe Aura).
16. Vanaduke.
17. Treasure Vault.
18. Devilites.
19. Magma Driver.
20. Whodat?
21. USA.
22. Vog Cub set.
23. Hybrid Sword and Gun.

1. IGN and guild name (rank if you so wish)
Umbra-Lunatis, Fallen Stars GM
2. What are your most used emotes in game?
/wav, /salut, and /sit.
3. When you joined spiral knights/how long you've been playing
Around 2012, a friend of mine who had previously led me on to a bunch of different games and quit them a week after suggested this one to me, which i refused at first due to the aforementioned track record, but got on board with it once I tried it out.
4. What do you play SK through (example steam or SK client)?
Steam, though I do have a proto alt i made with the basic login specifically to sit in the twilight rescue camp.
5. Knight appearance eyes, color, and height modifier
Purple, previously Cobalt, and wishing that the gorgomega matched with Indigo or Violet.
-1 modifier
6. PvP or PvE
PvE and idling in haven.
PvP is fun until you start lagging, getting yelled at, get a team that leaves one-by-one, get stunlocked by a rapier, or otherwise just suck.
Unless you mean Blast Network, because that's way more fun.
7. E or CE
Unless you joined after the removal of Mist Energy, you either call it CE or you're wrong.
8. Preferred battle sprite and why
Maskeraith due to outfit complementation and the first two skills.
Seraphynx because of its third "spike-walker" skill and the fact that mine is Black Kat and thus complements my black kat Cowl and Suit outfit.
9. Current rank
Vanguard, 10-3, can't even do Legion of Almire properly.
10. Current prestige
Triple down-arrow
11. Do you have every achievement completed (bonus points if legacy achievements are done too)?
First two Miner achievements, and otherwise all but Locked and Loaded.
Dauntless Delver was one hell of a challenge, but I got it at the same time as Gold Survivor.
12. Favorite armor combo/set (If not chaos or black kat would you be willing to convert?)
Regular is BKC and DM; see #15.
ASI Maximum is the sprite perk, Kat Claw Mask, and Swiftstrike.
13. Favorite weapons/shield (list as many as applies)
Iron Slug
Obsidian Edge
Catalyzer for singleplayer heckery
14. Favorite costumes/accessories
Glow Eyes, Shadow Valks, the Crown of the Fallen halo, and I would love an onyx (reflective black) Apocrean Crown.
15. Describe or link a picture of your current costume if you so wish.
Shield is the Gorgomega. My standard outfit is a dusky spiral crescent helm with a dusky ribbon, glow-eyes, and a prismatic halo. The Divine Mantle I wear alongside it has Shadow Valkyrie Wings and a Grasping Aura. Would put a Frenzy Crest or Sealed Pauldrons on it, but the cloak line doesn't have a front slot.
Unsurprisingly I've never seen a clone of myself.
16. Favorite boss (danger missions count too I guess)
Vanaduke due to lore, Sputterspark due to the claw-things he wears, Herex due to actually being competent in everything but the stages of his battle where you fight him 1v1, and Snarbolax due to looks. Also the Grinchlin Assault battlepod because it has my family hostage and i'm being forced to type this send h
17. Favorite clockwork levels (example wolver dens ect.)
Scarlet Fortress and Sky Islands due to ambience, Deconstruction Zones due to false hope, D&N levels due to everything but the Souls, and Surface levels.
18. Favorite mob
Lumbers because of the insane damage the Slug can do to them, Deadnaughts, Stalkers, and turtles due to their uniqueness, Devilites for their unspoken cynicism towards office environments.
19. Best loot drop from the clockworks
Elite Orbs, a poison mist bomb, spooky skellshield, and brandish; and light shards of which I have over 10k at the present
20. Do you sacrifice the remains of your destroyed enemies to Petater to occur favor in orb drops?
One, it's hard to sacrifice purple dust to anyone. Two, I usually just accept that [random (orbs) are fair and balanced], meaning that, just like crits, you lose no matter what.
21. Region you play from
East Coast, meaning guildies may or may not be online at my 2am.
22. First 5* set
BKC, Warmaster. Great way to enter Champion, amiright
23. Weapons preferred Sword/Gun/Bomb/Hybrid
See #13. Also Gorgofist if it was buffed.
Why not? I've recently gotten back into Spiral Knights, so might as well rejoin the community.
1. IGN and guild name (rank if you so wish)
I'm Mahkookeh, from ye olde, dying guild Tier Zero. It's been a while since it was a well known guild, so I doubt anyone remembers its name. It's not dead yet, though!
"They say you die twice. Once when you stop breathing and the second, a bit later on, when somebody mentions your name for the last time."
2. What are your most used emotes in game?
Definitely /sit. I love to sit around in Haven and listen to conversations (Does that make me creepy? @.@)
3. When you joined spiral knights/how long you've been playing
I joined Spiral Knights in 2011, with 2,000 hours played. I took a hiatus in 2014 and have only played a handful of hours at a time since then. I'm looking to get back into the community though!
4. What do you play SK through (example steam or SK client)?
I play through Steam. It's just soooo convenient.
5. Knight appearance eyes, color, and height modifierw
They're a lovely shade of purple, with a medium build. I don't want to tower over the young'uns else they'll get scared away!
6. PvP or PvE
Mm-mm. I used to love PvP! I was utter crap at the bomb game, but Lockdown gave me the thrill of a duel. Nothing beats PvE though. It's just so relaxing.
7. E or CE
I don't quite understand the question. I know CE is crystal energy, but what is E? It's not mist, since I believe that got removed... I'll stick with what I know and vote CE.
8. Preferred battle sprite and why
Hmm. These are the new pet things. I prefer the white one, because it's so cute! I could hug it all day! :)
9. Current rank
I'm a Vanguard. (Unless there's a higher one? I finished all the quests, including the new story-line ones.)
10. Current prestige
I'm at around 23,000. Nothing impressive. I don't really care about prestige; I would much rather invest time collecting new accessories, weapons and gear.
11. Do you have every achievement completed (bonus points if legacy achievements are done too)?
I do have every achievement, including the legacy ones! The Dauntless Diver was a difficult one, but I was on Cloud 9 when I unlocked that one!
12. Favorite armor combo/set (If not chaos or black kat would you be willing to convert?)
I've got to say that the Snarbolax set has been a wonderful set of armor.
13. Favorite weapons/shield (list as many as applies)
- Voltaic Tempest has been one of my favorite weapons for a long time.
- The Voltedge has also carried me through countless Vanaduke runs.
- The Polaris, no matter how many people don't like it for being an anti-fun weapon, is always useful.
Of course, I can't just disregard the Tier Zero theme of making useless weapons viable!
- Plague Needle has carried me through Jelly King multiple times.
- Sudaruska is insane fun to use.
- Warmaster Rocket Hammer can push friends through the mission! Helped in so many cases when I had an afk player.
- Who could ever forget the good ol' proto shield! Doing Shadow missions with a proto shield and a Warmaster Rocket Hammer. Oh boy, was that fun. With a Fearless Rigadoon and a Neutralizer. Those were the good ol' days.
14. Favorite costumes/accessories
The Mewkat Monster Pocket! MY FAVORITE!
15. Describe or link a picture of your current costume if you so wish.
Unfortunately, I don't have Spiral Knights on my work laptop, so you'll have to deal with a sketchy description.
A Sniped Stranger Hat with some spiffy Halloween Glasses and a nice Christmas Scarf. A Skolver Coat with a Regal Canteen. I have a bunch of different accessories in my inventory, but none that I actually want to add. There are some things I want to improve, but I want to earn some crowns first.
16. Favorite boss (danger missions count too I guess)
Oh, my favorite boss would be the Roarmulus Twins. They are just so interactive to fight.
17. Favorite clockwork levels (example wolver dens ect.)
My favorite clockwork levels? I'd say the Arenas. They provide just the right amount of difficulty.
18. Favorite mob
My favorite mob has GOT to be the mewkat. IT'S JUST SO CUTE!
19. Best loot drop from the clockworks
I don't know... I don't really pay attention to what loot I get as long as I get enough crowns.
20. Do you sacrifice the remains of your destroyed enemies to Petater to occur favor in orb drops?
Sure why not. I need orbs anyway :)
21. Region you play from
I'm in NA, California.
22. First 5* set
My first 5* set was the Snarbolax armor! Crazy, I know, but before then, I had built this:
Divine Veil
Skolver Suit
Grey Owlite Shield
23. Weapons preferred Sword/Gun/Bomb/Hybrid
I mainly use swords (Trying to collect them all!)
But I used to be a gunner and a bomber, so I guess you can just call me Hybrid, haha.