Support /poop!
I was testing out commands and the majority are cool and all but I realized most MMO's, FPS's, Etc. do not support the /poop command. This greatly disappoints me and my fellow guild members, im sure a good amount of you probably feel the same. If you support /poop please reply and give a thumbs up for this support and if you could as well support a bug/suggestion ticket for the addition of /poop.
Vote for /poop!
This suggestion is in complete seriousness, I really am looking forward to a game allowing /poop, why all other actions? they have Pelvic Thrust. which is very suggestive, why not add poop which is a natural bowel movement anyone has? It can have many pruposes.....a signal so someone that they have to go number 2, or perhaps a humiliating way.
Think about it

i cant take this suggestion seriously
i would think OOO would think this is a bit beneath them and not bother with it
personal i dont mind new emotes but this.... isnt what i had in mind
I agree with you completely, but still I believe a game, just ONE game should have this command that isnt a Sim's game. Please spread the word, you never know maybe OOO will think twice or atleast base a emote off of /poop
Wow, this thread has restored my faith in humanity.
Thats good to hear! Hopefully you support /Poop
wait im finding it hard to believe this is a serious suggestion