On the part in ashen armory where the path splits into two, do you go left or right?
Please state reasons ie. more heat or something
Vana (The King Of Ashes) left or right

You don't need a sera to go through the traps. It has tight timings but with dash you can make them.

I go left in lesser skilled or casual parties, and right in parties that can handle it. Right side is relatively faster due to only having one fight in it, but speed isn't usually my concern in FSC (unless a party member really wants to powerheat), so left is commonly my default.

We've done some measurements on the relative crown payouts. That data set isn't very big, but the preliminary result seems to be that the left side pays out roughly 200 crowns more than the right side.
The left side is also easier than the right side, in my opinion. Only zombies. Nowhere near as many spikes.
Which is faster might depend on your party: how many people, vortex or not, etc.

Almost every party I've seen prefers the left side. I've always wondered if that's why the Shadowplay mission goes through the right side. "Darnit, we're going to make those players try this other direction!"

To be honest go both ways so as to stretch the enjoyment of firestorm citadel out as far as possible. Think of it like this- you have to eat burgers for the rest of your life. Would you rather eat beef or lamb burgers? I mean they're both good but beef is the traditional and nicest tasting.. but if you can have both why wouldn't you? At least mix it up occasionally and eat the lamb one when you get tired of beef.
LOL That's exactly what I thought too- "OK we can at least make them go right once!"

Didn't ready what the others said. But factoring in rng for what drops you get, left gives slightly more but right is faster even if you play it fully but also has the opportunity to skip parts making it ideal for speedrunning.

I always go right since I do like 5-10 vana runs a day. So if I can save a couple of minutes somewhere, why not?
Maybe 1-2 minutes doesn't seem much but in 10 runs that becomes 10-20 minutes

In Shadow Firestorm Citadel you gotta do both, well kinda.

From my experience, left pays out more crowns and is substantially easier than the right side. However, if I'm soloing or with people I know play well (guild-mates, friends, etc), I usually force them to go right because it's faster and honestly, in my opinion, the biggest reward I see from FSC is the three-to-four tokens at the end of the run. Saving those seconds makes me get to them faster.
I typically go left as I have the most experience with it and I started with that because I was told it gives more crowns. However, if you have a Seraphynx, right should be faster as you can use the invincibility from the third ability to just run through the traps. But yeah, I do left.