RedCross Guild Recruitment 2011-?

3 replies [Last post]
Golden-Crusaderr's picture

RedCross is a old guild from early 2011 revitalized in 2014

We are looking for active knights
we also play both, PvE and PvP,Arcade and were helpful guild who helps knights to advance

So if you would like to join, just let us know here or in game
and if you want to tell us a little about yourself feel free..
We will be checking this weekly

1.What's your current rank?
2.What time zone are you in?
3.What's your in-game name?
4.Why do you want to join us?
5.How often do you play SK weekly?
6.How long have you been playing SK
7.How many guilds have you been in


Well do you have a Vocal Tchat like teamspeak mumble or discord or curse

Golden-Crusaderr's picture
no not yet

no not yet

Golden-Crusaderr's picture
