Hey all, looking for some assistance here.
I'm trying to install SK for steam on my laptop ( windows 7 ultimate, pretty old, dates back to like 2009 I think )
When it completed downloading and installing. It launched and all I got was a delay before my screen went black for some brief seconds multiple times. Did anyone else have this issue?
Some info about my laptop ( Sorry if I'm not a tech expert )
I think I installed the latest version of Java, so do I have to install an older version?
Processor: Intel(R) core(TM)2 solo CPU U3500 @ 1.40GHz
Installed Memory (RAM): 4.00 GB
System Type: 64 bit Operating System
Copy pasted directly from system properties, do you guys have any solutions or similar experiences? Let me know please!
Just tried logging in on Kong, but it says Missing-plug in, please respond and help, thanks :)