we found lucky potions and nothign happens when we used it, what is ment to be used?
lucky potions?

Increase rare find percentage, I think (equipment drops anyone?) The more you sip, the better! (:

I wonder if we'll ever be 100% sure if this is, in fact, true.

The pink crap is whiskey. It makes you drunk, impairing your reasoning and causing you to get gambling addiction.

Pink whiskey that causes gambling addiction? I'm guessing it's single-cask, if the quality control has gone that far off the rails.

I was able to goof around with some luck potions. On the wheel I obtained them on, I used them and saw more potion/material drops as well as crown drops that were always profitable. I'm gonna test them outside the casino and see if they have any effect on things like treasure boxes.

I think they're meant to last the entire floor, but really if @Hera or @Cronus could give us some ideas on what the damn thing does(aside from supposedly increase our Luck or Drop Rate % or something, I don't know) it'd help a lot so we know what we can use them for when we get them.