Hello, guys! I want to tell you that we need you, those who have a wide imagination and many skills in designing illustrations, to create a new logo for our team, Shadow Academy.
Below you can find some details about what we want our logo to include:
- The Obsidian texture Image [ http://pressingx.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/apocrea_weps.jpg ]
- Can be presented as something similar to Apocrea Image [ http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/thumb/e/ed/Gate-The_Obsidian_... ]
- Obsidian Prize Box colours
- You can take a few more details from this link: Image [ http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/spiralka/images/a/aa/Stalker_by_mala... ]
- Size of Image 200x200 px
- Background transparent
The effort of the winner will be paid in 20,000 energy or games equivalent to the amount of energy.
# Logo must be similar with our future website.
1 - https://s10.postimg.org/xyzcyvc2h/1.jpg
2 - https://s10.postimg.org/9wij3zvfd/2.jpg
3 - https://s10.postimg.org/qlokdnheh/3.jpg
# You can post more examples.
# Time limit is 1/Sep/2016
Can be a second winner with 1000 energy.
Original Post http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ShadowAcademy#announcements/detail/7986...