What do i build with a striker?

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Vidimiy's picture

So i was wondering which wolver set i should build ...
The Skolver or the Vog Cub set...?
I do prefer Vog Cub since its good for fsc but ... more attk speed for my striker ...?

Bopp's picture

You might check out the armor section of my detailed sword guide.

Alternatively, check out the sword section of my detailed armor guide.

Yes, more attack speed is valuable, even on a Cutter-line sword. See for example this data set.

Nebrium's picture

Black kat set

Drischa's picture

Remember that this game doesn't have set classes. In FSC, where you'll be usinf vog, you should definitely use an elemental sword such as Combuster or Warmaster Rocket Hammer.
Cutters are fun in the beginning of the game but do not carry on being so good nearer the end.

I would recommend worrying about your 5* gear once you're actually ready to craft it, and pick what best suits then.

I would personally choose skolver because damage boost is statistically better (and more fun) than ASI.