Needless to say, the music is awesome and represents excellently the pace of the game. Then there's this clinging ambiance I get from playing Pikmin and Skies of Arcadia (or Eternal Arcadia, if you're cool and prefer that). Is/are the composer(s) related to such works?
Who composed the game's soundtrack?
Fri, 06/17/2011 - 09:50
Legacy Username
Fri, 06/17/2011 - 10:03
Legacy Username
I didn't actually expect such
I didn't actually expect such a fast reply xD . Thank you!
So he has worked for a handful of online games. I thought I'd see more related links to SEGA's history. Oh well D: .
Fri, 06/17/2011 - 10:42
The soundtrack is really top
The soundtrack is really top notch
Fri, 06/17/2011 - 12:10
Legacy Username
SEGA wasn't really involved until the game hit the public.
Also, would it bother anyone if I take the soundfiles and put a proper fadeout onto them, or are you going to release some kind of soundtrack yourself? I like listening to it, but the files (naturally) just stop and it doesn't really sound that nice...
Our composer is the very talented Harry Mack. You can find his site here: