The lottery - WIN 500 energy! [Lottery #1]
What is this exactly?
This is the lottery with a grand of 500 Energy! This lottery is made by Boelens and all prizes are payed by me/ donators.
How will the winner be chosen?
Well, everyone will get a "ticket" if your the first, you will get ticket #1, second person gets ticket #2 etc. I go to random .org and if there are for example 41 people entering, I will make it generate a number from 1-41, if it ends on for example 2 ticket holder of #2 will win.
Sounds cool! Can I buy more then one ticket?
Yes you can indeed! There is a maximum of 10 tickets per person.
How do I enter?
Its easy! The entrance fee per ticket is 10 energy. Just post here with your in game name (or Steam name.) and I will add you in the list and give you a ticket #. Remember this number! You will be put in the list of people who are in the lottery.
I want to help this lottery increase the grand prize, how do I do this?
Well, I always appreciate donations. If you for example give 50 Energy, there will be 50 energy added to the complete grand prize!
Current people who are in
-Dasparian #1
-MaxMayheM #2
-Kalsb #3
-Lufte #4
-Sandero #5
-Orangeo #6
-Slyjohhny #10-#16
To enter you can post on this topic! ;).
Lottery #1 will end on : 27 June. (Minimum of 5 participants.)
I assume that Dasparian is your in game name too?
@Dasparian, I have added you in game.
Sounds fun, I'll give it a go. ingame name is MaxMayheM, I'll be on in about an hour.

Seems a bit shady to me if we're supposed to pay for our ticket now.
@Dangerrmouse, that's how all lotteries work. How else do you think they sustain it?
I'll try it. IGN: Kalsb
I'll be on soon
Added everyone that posted to the list, you can except being added in game very soon.
It is impossible to add people that have a capital in their name. Add me instead. "Boelens"
Excuse me but, what will you do with the leftover energy? I mean, when the entry "tickets" go beyond 500 CE. That really sounds like a scam for OP to make a profit but i believe that OP wouldn't pull that off. Still, fishy.

This should just be a ingame feature... Tecnicaly, I don't know that you'll really give anyone energy. I'm gonna get a ticket anyway though, so no worries.
IGN: orangeo
Added all new people except Evangalise, he will pay me tomorrow.
I want in. So how am I going to pay you that 10 ce.
My IGN is Lorddarkness.

As soon as the game is back up I will just send it via in game mail, sorry about that I was in an arena before :)
Added everyone who posted, added evanalise to the first post.
how am I supposed to pay you?

Of course he's trying to make a profit. Why would anyone do something like this for free? It's how all lotteries work man.
I'm twice on the list.
Ah, thanks for informing me. Didn't notice.
You can pay me in game or by either sending me a mail with ten energy attached.
Im in, in game name Reggiefils no extra s

Boelens: no bump posts, please.
Lottery threads, raffle threads, and currency-begging threads are considered spam. Spiral HQ cannot supervise payouts or guarantee their outcome.
Sure, I'm in.
EDIT: Yes, same IGN.