I feel that there should be more Playing friendly events, That could spice up the gameplay style.
For example, Play time events, where the more time you play, the more rewards you can earn, and they would deliver prizes at the end of event/ when you reach a milestone timer.
Or, More Events That involve something refreshing from the same repeating events that we constantly get (Not that the same events are bad),
Such as "2x CR rate" Weekend, or Maybe have more social media events involving Facebook and such, Where they can play with Gm's and what not.
The Prize Boxes are also mainly gotten from Spending real money to get them, and the rate which you can "Trade energy for them from supply depot"
Has severly Dropped. Buying Energy packages That include the prize boxes has dropped too, and has been mostly changed to just: "Buy one box for 5$"
I feel it takes away a large aspect of "Free to Play", and should include more ways to include the community, or make it so you can actually get much
Better accessories/Costumes without having to wait months for a special event, Or Spending tons of money on prize boxes.
Just my Side of the Page.
What are your guys thoughts?
More Free to play events/Prize boxes
Thu, 11/03/2016 - 12:09
I agree with the gist of what you're saying, but Grey Havens needs a way to make money, and promos are the way to go. I do agree that there should be more User-Friendly kind of events.