I'd like to know what the stats for the shield are, it seems pretty cool for a new shield.
Crystalline Defender stats?

So a Power Mitt skin? (which is the Heater's skin but with fire instead of freeze)

The new shield is stuck in the 3% section of a promo box with about a 0.5% chance of getting it. Of course people are gonna wonder what the stats are, because nobody is gonna have it.
Grey Havens is doing the same thing OOO was doing with Sega.
Just try and defend this.
You wanted new content? Now you're paying for it.

This isn't surprising, GH is a group of ex-OOO members. .-.
edit; english

The moment the Celestial Edge came out as a promo-exclusive, my worries had told me that there would be a slippery slope of promo-exclusive unique weapons.
This became true fairly quickly when the Mixmaster was released. Even if it will be released in the future, the fact that a select few of players are able to own it just feels wrong. It's like having better weapons locked away by premium content. Imagine if you couldn't get the Sealed Sword weapons because they came from promo boxes (yes, I am saying the mixmaster is an excellent handgun).
It's not fair to those who don't have crowns but save it for something they want (like a weapon or armor piece). The Mixmaster, out of nowhere, came to be in a random Promo box, and broke people like me who are mostly F2P can't buy it.
I understand DLC weapons as they're permanent, but the Promo is limited.
I thought GH would recognize the mistake of doing this again, but it isn't surprising. Hope they don't reveal a new weapon variant exclusively for whales who like opening boxes. :/

"it seems pretty cool for a new shield."
I feel that this pun is going awfully under-appreciated.
While I think that the shield looks awesome and I can understand why it's in this promo, I don't like what's happened with promo gear.
I own a mixmaster and don't even use it because it just feels kind of gross.
I don't think it's overpowered, at least not compared to say, black kat or chaos or any of the brandishes.
It would be nice to have more DLC content similar to Operation Crimson Hammer, perhaps on a smaller scale, rather than having the random% chance boxes that just drive players away from spending more money than they otherwise would.
At least with the old model you were guaranteed to get the amount of energy you bought, the boxes were a bonus. Now it's just saddening to buy boxes knowing you could end up with almost nothing for it.

Shields are the one thing I can get behind when it comes to exclusive promo content, so long as it's stats and not entirely new mechanics. Shields already have most bases covered, and most reskins of shields simply touch base with these, such as the power mitt, teddy bear buckler, and now this shield.
However, shields like the celestial shield are a big no-no, despite their usefulness being pretty small in actuality.
I like the design of this shield, and I'm glad it doesn't step into P2W territory (as far as we know as of now). Though it is still a pretty fine line to walk down.

well as long people keep buying boxes they wouldnt change the way it works, Cronus dont even bothered to answer my question about if we going to have back promos like they used to be (Energy + Prize boxes) because clerarly they dont want to swicht it back and thats a big no no for me to buy promos, why i going to buy boxes risking myself to get something that dont worth 1k?.
for this shield feels well. ok? i mean its not unique like Celestial Shield (luckely) so pretty much whoever want it its because they like the design (not gonna lie looks nice) but adding weapons to prize boxes, at low rate and WITHOUT being bundled with energy seems like a bad deal. luckely its rare when they add weapons/shields in prize boxes, hope they only keep adding reskins to them.

I'm okay with weapons being in standalone boxes. I'm not okay with straight up upgrades of weapons being in standalone boxes. Fun reskins (splash/plunge box reskin weapons, as well as the cleavers) are great, and sidegrades (sweet dreams, celestial vortex) are okay but should really have a comparable craftable version. It's the weapon upgrades or unique weapons (celestial sabre, mixmaster/orbit gun) that are not cool.
I'd prefer for said items to be available via a new DLC package. The reskins (mixmaster/orbit gun) will remain as is, but we will have functionally the same weapons available elsewhere. This would also open the door up for reskins of OCH items being in promo boxes, such as a celestial atom splitter being a dark retribution reskin.
And check out the last response on this post from the State of Haven thread. It responds to the "promo box purchase method" question you and many others have asked about.

"We have no plans to change how our promotions are currently set up, though we reserve the right to do so. With that being said, we already have a few boxes sold via energy along with others that are opened with crowns (Casino). It's also currently possible to acquire a box by purchasing it from another player via the auction house. As noted, having promotions does not mean we won't be working on new content. It’s one of the things that gives us the ability to work on it."
Wrong thread to ask this question, but why can't we buy new content from Supply Depot at least? I mean realistically speaking, sure they need a 1-3% rare item spot to hook "P2P whales" into buying massive amounts of boxes.
It just feels like to me it's a slap in everybody's face when Cronus says they are working on new content, and this is the outcome. Content that is time spent creating it and implementing it is only seen be less than 3% people and it's behind a gamble paywall.
Cronus may not be in charge, but someone is sitting in an office somewhere and thinks "this is a good idea".
I bet whoever it is didn't even work with good ol St. Nick.
It has normal and elemental defense, max fire resist. Similar to Grey Owlite Shield.