Hello, I started playing SK on my steam account but then i realized i had ballsed it up a long time ago (this was when three rings were still controlling SK... around 2010) and so i started out at Kongregate for a second try. After a long time of stopping and returning to SK, I have finally decided to wonder if i could transfer all the items and chars. So i was wondering if i could transfer all my characters and items all to my Steam account.. because when i try to login on the client with steam.. it does not allow me to login Via Kong and if i try to put in my username it will just instead tell me to create an account. I am in dire need of help as my Kong Login is not available with my Steam Login or the client Login..
Kongregate Account
Various versions of this question are asked pretty frequently. Here is the most recent thread I could find...
That player seemed to get SK working again with his/her Kongregate account. Maybe that's enough for you?
Edit: Your second post may make my response useless. Good luck.
That person's problem is Java problems whereas mine is that i want to combine my steam and kongregate account together.. But thanks for trying <3
You didn't say why you wanted to transfer. I thought it might be because your Kongregate account wasn't working, so I linked to that thread. Anyway, you want to transfer your account to Steam for some other reason? Okay.
Unfortunately, the policy is that you can't transfer your account. To learn more, search Google for something like "Kongregate account Steam site:forums.spiralknights.com" (without the quotation marks). I wouldn't be surprised if its not even possible on a technical level. But you might try contacting Spiral Knights tech support. Good luck.
You can't unbind your SK account from Kongregate, but what you can do is launch the game from the standalone client without the need for letting the browser page open, if you follow these steps :
1- http://www.spiralknights.com/ Then Download Now.
2- Install.
3- Make a new Text File, name it "Extra.txt" and paste the following :
4- http://www.kongregate.com/games/GreyHavens/spiral-knights?acomplete=spi (Make sure you are logged in)
5- Right click anywhere, View Page Source.
6- Ctrl+F : "kong_user_data":{"id":
The number you will see next is your kongregateID
7- Ctrl+F : "game_auth_token":"
The long string next is your kongregateAuthToken. It ends right at the character before the last "
8- Now that your Extra.txt is ready, Go to C:\Users\your_username_here\AppData\Roaming\Three Rings Design\Spiral Knights , and paste it there.
You can go manually if you disable hidden folders.
9- Launch your game.
Yes, i have tried logging in with my kongregate account name (freakdude11) but instead all it does it log in this account with a char that i have never played with, hence the Annoying-Bird knight name