Hi everyone, i am a new Knight here and i love bombs, but i have some issues when i want to go "pure" bombs.
We all know bombs need a time to charge up and then another to explode, this is really useful on battles because you can set the bomb and then run, or stay there if you want. Outside combat, is not the same story...
When i am outside combat i feel a lot weaker than my mates that use Swords or Guns on activities like: Destroying rocks, activating switches (the ones reachable by a sword), collecting minerals, breaking blue boxes, etc. Doing those things is really painful and annoying for a guy that only have bombs.
One example i wanna put here is when i break minerals, i have to put 3 bombs to destroy one mineral, the only good thing i found here is that bombs can break several mines at time, but in the case i just want to break one, is really painful. I'd rather to use my Seraphynx ray instead of charging 3 bombs to break mines, or charge up two bombs and then use shield bash to finish faster.
So, my only suggestion to do here is to buff a bit the bombs to do this things a little bit faster, because breaking a whole line of blocks or just collecting minerals waste more time with bombs that doing with swords or guns. One solution to the problem is to add a little frame that causes "damage" in front of you when the knight is picking up the bomb, similar than the frame that repel the monsters when the shield is up. This will allow bombers to hit things without the need of waiting the charge time and the exploding time to just do one hit to the objects.
Thanks for reading my suggestion, and sorry if there is some spelling error, english is not my mother language.
It's kinda been fixed with Shield Bash and Sprites (particularly Seraphynx), but I'd still be down for that.