Hi everybody,
First idea I had was a fire crystal ignore type usable. It would be like you buy it and grind heat for an hour without having to use firecrystals and it would automatically level up(Like the wee 'ol days). I would definitely buy that...Ok anyway,
Next idea was a Randomized Lockdown. This would be a game mode where your team is given a random selection of two weapons and you decide as a team what the weapons are then the whole team uses only those weapons.
Last idea was another coliseum but new idea. So, it would be a gamemode where you can use a weapon of choice (2 ofcourse) you would get with a party and like a literal coliseum different monsters would come out in different rounds and you fight till you drop and all the groups would go at the same time and winners would recieve a good prize.
I also was wondering if these were worth mentioning , are the admins ever going to update the game.
Thanks for reading, lemme know what you think of these :D
These ideas are interesting but i wonder, few of them look's similar to ones i've writeen in my topic, did you read it ?