So, I had been out for quite a while-Again. But I noticed SK is under new management, so that raised my hopes as I am not sure when they changed the old forging/weapon leveling system.
Is there any chance we will getting the old forging system back? Because honestly SK became a very...Grindfest game. And it really isn't something you can simply shrug off and do another time, as you need to deal with those "quests" requiring you to have 1-2-3-4-5 star tiered weapons to proceed with the game. Obviously in the beginning it is pretty easy to deal with that, but when you reach 4 stars it is already very troublesome, especially with how little Knights we have in the game now. So going solo can be pretty boring or too repetitive as you will only depend of your luck during arcade to get the needed stuff for upgrading(The crystals).
Sure, I suspect there are people who prefers this system, but I feel like it takes away that feeling you are progressing in the game.
The orb system isn't much different than upgrading with CE, if you don't find the orbs you just buy them for the same price upgrading would have cost. It's still a grind though.