It would make you money so it's a good idea. Here's how:
1) All current acherons are turned into cautery swords.
2) 3 UV tickets as compensation for acheron, 2 for silent nightblade, 1 for nightblade. Same as shards.
3) Same treatment for Obsidian edge.. except it goes into the obsidian box at 1%.
4)"Acheron box". It has a 1% chance of acheron and a 99% chance of literally nothing, since players don't appreciate UV tickets.
If you do this I'll drop 500 dollars on the game in addition, and everyone will blame me instead of you. Start a revolution. Take their toys away. See how far you can go. Acheron for the 1%.
if u mak acheron in2 a cuttery sord, that mean when u craft silent nightblad u still get akeeron as resulf
the optimull mefhod for creeighting a solushun would be 2 add 2 stars on cuatro sword so it eould be more overpourd like obercharbged migsmaster adn windmilyun.
allso buffer the algerion too deal curse nd fiyer since it 1% from boxe crate drops