A big thank you goes out to all the participants and Spiral HQ for making our Limerick Competition a huge success. We had 33 limericks submitted with 31 actual entries.
My guild had tremendous amounts of fun running the competition. TheBadger and Raspberry ran a Snarby gate last night in partial newbie gear to enact the winner's Limerick so that we could make a cartoon wallpaper. I thought that I would need to photoshop an item that doesn't exist in game, but lo and behold, just before Basil, one of the treasure boxes from a Tier1 danger room dropped a Big Beast Basher that looked somewhat like the weapon that TheBadger needed to pester Basil about. Dying to Snarby was fun. TheBadger tried to die first in front of the bell. Took him awhile to finally get eaten. However, as long as Raspberry was alive, Snarby kept tossing TheBadger's carcass around! I wish I had a video app thingy to capture Snarby doing unholy things to TheBadger.
Spiral HQ had so much Steam engine fires to attend to, that we let them tend the engines to keep the Steam Punk sail worthy. But Nick did personally check up on us to see if Snarby spit out TheBadger. We had guest judges from our little gamerz shop help. You can tell the choices were primarily made by guys who never grow-up. Gamerz come in ages, sizes, races (yes, we have Klingon gamerz too) and ages. But one thing for sure, they are kids at heart who we hope never grow-up.
We are getting ready to start a new competition soon involving Gremlin Haiku. Please stay tuned...
Oh the winners of the Limerick Competition? Congratulations! Raspberry will be sending the prizes via in game mail if you are not online. If you are one of the winners, please make sure your IGN (in game name) is spelled correctly on the SK Wiki so we can send you your loot.
The winners and Limerick Library can be found on the SK Wiki at: http://wiki.spiralknights.com/A_Beastly_Limerick_Competition
Warmest aloha,
Raspberry and TheChewToy formerly known as TheBadger
Wow thanks guys! As cool as the in game prizes are, the wallpaper is by far my favorite of the prizes. It's now my office desktop wallpaper. I love the memory effect. Also Thanks to TheBadger for sacrificing himself in the name of art.