Raffle is canceled
If everyone bought at least 1 Ticket till the 30 was met, you'd net 200 CE profit. You might want to check your math so it isn't so obvious.
Well, if one person buys 30 tickets, that's only 105ce + (27 * 30ce) = 105ce + 810ce = 915ce. If no one else enters, they're guaranteed an 85ce profit!
...of course, for every other ticket purchased, it will lower that big spender's chance of winning without increasing the potential payoff. And there's no way to know that the person running the lottery won't just make an alt to claim the prize anyway.
I don't see any problem with a lottery organizer making a profit -- it simply means the expected utility of entering is slightly negative. They deserve a little something for their efforts. But you have to really trust the organizer not to simply run off with the ticket fees, since there's no real recourse against that in MMOs.
@leolexington: well, i dont just give away 1000CE
@Kawaiido: I want to make profit
@monkeyman135: i would never scam someone
@opaopa: making an alternate account never crossed my mind
This sounds legit. If 30 people buy 1 ticket you cut a 200CE profit, if anyone enters beyond that it's pure gain for you. If this were anything but a scam the reward would increase as you get more tickets, as opposed to you potentially making a bunch of CE and then giving a tiny bit of it back. If there is any actual interest in people gambling in such a manner, I would be happy to come up with a system that is far less detrimental to the ticket buyers than this. =p But also this is silly and a waste of the time and CE of anyone entering.
nice try, you pocket at least 50 ce for every lottery... good business idea but seriously it's a scam... because you can just make a bunch of other accounts and just name them the winner...