Title, I am really curious. Is it because you see newbies get frustrated on getting stuck over the same mission?
Personally, if I see myself newbie, and failed few times. I would probably take a break, do some arcades for fresher start, ask some advice from veterans, but not as far as trying to get someone carry me over, it'll ruin the experience for me.
For mission helpers, why are you doing it?

personally, I do it for two reasons. one is just to have something to do other than grind a handful of missions over and over and over.
the other is just to help them. I enjoy teaching new players things, like shield cancelling, shield charge, that shield statsu resists are more important than defense, or just to use their shield more often if they are that new.
so if I end up helping you in a mission, there is a good chance I will ask you "hey, ever heard of [thing]? if not, I can teach you".

Which brings me another question? Why people tend to repeat the mission? You sometimes miss something from regular arcade like arena, danger area, treasure vaults and uhmm... I don't know, though I know compounds and candlestick could sometimes be really annoying but at least new players can find more variety on mats.

you really dont know?
because grinding. FSC has the best crown rate, DaN gives the most radiants, that kind of stuff. missions are good for grinding, so people grind them.

I still under impression, grinding at clockworks arcade still better than missions (despite the annoying compound), you got something like I mentioned above, oh and recipe hunt sorta.

clockwork runs only get you a handful of radiants and not nearly as much cr per level as FSC. at least unless the extremely rare case of multiple deep arenas occurs.
it doesnt matter if compounds or not, arcade is worse for grinding most things.

I think that Poopsie is talking about re-selling recipes. Please notice that I am not offering an opinion myself, as my information on such things is out of date.
Title, I am really curious. Is it because you see newbies get frustrated on getting stuck over the same mission?
I sometimes help newbies. Maybe I'm trying to show how helpful my guild is. Or maybe I'm bored and I think that defending a newbie is a nice challenge.
Personally, if I see myself newbie, and failed few times. I would probably take a break, do some arcades for fresher start, ask some advice from veterans, but not as far as trying to get someone carry me over, it'll ruin the experience for me.
Here you seem to switch to a different question: Why would newbies accept help? I don't know.