Returning player, need help with loadout

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Shion-Sinx's picture

So I stopped quite some time ago and decided to see whats new and keep working on what I have. My current items are as follow:

I used to farm on Vanaduke before stopping, the set I was building was around that (5* Vog cap and combuster, 4* ash tail, blackened crest and gigawatt pulsar), but I dont know if its worth to keep working on those or if I should start something new (chaos maybe?).

My playstyle is basically sword + gun, use a lot of charged hits on combuster for those pesky zombies, crowd control from afar when needed with gigawatt but also have a 4* blitz needle for trojans and vana.

Thanks in advance.

The-Royal-Wolfgang's picture
My thoughts

Definitely work towards a chaos set. It GREATLY reduces the tedium of doing FSC since they'll be fast runs with it. Fair warning though, it'll make you extremely vulnerable to fire. So if you don't have such a great connection, you can shy away from it.

Also, get a swiftstrike buckler once you're comfortable enough with FSC. It helps with ASI across the board, which means faster attacks.

Your combuster and blitz needle takes priority over polaris. Use radiants on those first. But, instead of combuster, I'd suggest voltedge since it helps with crowd control and interrupting slag attacks. But it takes krogmo coins, which means you'll have to do some LD.

Instead of polaris as your 3rd weapon, go for Electron Vortex which also uses krogmo coins to get. You'll love how it bunches them up and then you could just destroy the slags within a single or two charges from a voltedge.

Bopp's picture

You can keep going with Wolver-line armor. But Chaos (and Black Kat, during a Kataclysm) are worth considering. For more detail see my armor guide.

Combuster and Blitz Needle are the classic weapons for Firestorm Citadel. The-Royal-Wolfgang is right that your Pulsar-line gun is a low priority. And any vortex bomb is useful. But I recommend Combuster over Voltedge. For more detail, see the elemental section of my sword guide.

The more important thing to know is that the big bottleneck in this game is Radiant Fire Crystals, not crowns. So you might want to look into farming Dreams and Nightmares. Fortunately you can skip most of the fighting in that mission, and lots of weapons work in the final battle.

Shion-Sinx's picture
Thanks guys, I was alredy

Thanks guys, I was alredy considering Chaos so I will go with it.

When I first picked the sword line what I considered was that freezing screwed up knockback and so did shock (and also that Voltedge needed Krogmo Coins), then went in with burn even if doesnt works on FSC.

If D&N uses many weapons and I alredy have an elemental sword, which one should I go for now, shadow or piercing? I got both at 4* but have no idea how much farm does it take to evolve them at the moment, nor can hunt both recipes at same time I guess? IIRC the snarbolax one can only be crafted in that shadow maps so it might take a while as Im guildless.

Bopp's picture

Dreams and Nightmares doesn't have any fiends. It has all five other monster families, but the only undead are zombies, if I recall correctly. And in my opinion the greatest threat is the projectiles coming from the void lichens. Put this all together, and you see that shadow is a good damage type to carry into Dreams and Nightmares. In fact, sometimes I bring only shadow, even if it makes the zombies tedious. Here is my standard mini-guide to the mission...

First two levels: A gun is helpful for hitting switches. The monsters don't drop any heat or treasure. So skip them whenever you can, which is often. There are usually 6 or 12 treasure boxes.

Last level: I like Acheron, Nitronome, and/or Dark Retribution. Skip all fighting except for the last fight. In the last fight, circle around the boundary of the map counterclockwise, dropping bombs or releasing Acheron charges (or shooting or whatever). This fight has a reputation for being tough, and I'm not sure why. If you're solo then it's not bad at all.

The-Royal-Wolfgang's picture

Yeah, you can choose between combuster or voltedge. For me personally, I prefer the voltedge because the shock can stop attacks from slags. And its shock tick damage isn't too bad, especially when it spreads to other close slags.