Okay. So I've been having this problem for a while.
It's been annoying the hell out of me. So here's a brief description of what I seem to deal with ever since like last week:
- I can't seem to log in.
- When I select my usual knight, it doesn't bring me to the ready room, or does in like 10 mins. Literally.
- From time to time, commands or when I talk to my buds, it's delayed.
- Sometimes as I play Lockdown, or any mission in particular, EVERYTHING freezes and seems to walk off the map. After, I die because of that problem. Because the monsters attack me. :v Then I close my game and those problems (written on top ^) happen.
Might not be a lot, but OH MY GOD. It's seriously pissing me off. I've been trying to do the prestige today and these keep happening. I use Steam and all, I un-install it and re-install like Solotron told me to do, but it doesn't seem to make any difference. I seem to be the only one out of all my SK friends. What's going on? Help?
What operating system are you using?