Hi, SKers. My guild, Lionheart – like the Honor Sword - went inactive a few years back, but we have a fully equipped guild hall with every floor and every possible room and all the statues and hundreds of decorations. It seems a shame that it’s not being used, so if there is someone (or someones) with top-notch gear, a modicum of wealth, and a desire to build an active guild, contact me. It will cost 80,000 crowns to get the GH out of default. I’m not sure what the upkeep would be (40,000?) or how often it would need to be paid. Anyway, send me a message if you are interested and we can met to discuss it. ~ ♥
The Return of Lionheart Guild?

Hiya Cozza
Are any guilds still active? The guild hall is currently open to the public. It's still awesome!

Good point, most guilds are on there last leg. Well if you want to get it up and running again under a new name I'll talk to my officers and appointed guild masters to see if a merge of guilds may be possible. My new in game name is "tsaph" so send me a message and a friend request. My guild is ground control and has 130 or so members. But as the founder of my guild (started it when lion heart died out) I have the authority to offer this. Let me know :)

And the train starts rolling...
To get the guild up on its feet again we need to open our doors to all players knight rank or higher(to avoid a mass of abandoned accounts). If we can get a few ex lion heart members in the mix to help us get it back to (or as close as is possible) the guild LIONHEART was in its prime.
Is there any active members anymore? I miss the good old days, when being accepted to lion heart was an honor. Is my old room still my old room (was on my alt. Cozza-frenzy)