I'm wowed by the new obstacles.
The ones that I've seen are lichens, TNT bricks and spinning bullets.
But I still haven't seen a gun puppy thing. (The one that Cronus warned us about)
Can somebody show me a video or a screenshot of what it's like?
(Anyone who has other screenshots or videos of other obstacles, please add here XD)
Hardcore Mode- New obstacles!!!
I like the puppys too but just stay on the outside of the point and u will be fine................................
I like that they're trying to spice up LD, but I feel like a lot of these trap idea were rushed.
Firstly, all these traps leave recons a little out of the loop. They all limit the space you can hide on the already relatively small cap zone while cloaked. The worst ones even make it so you can't cloak or there's not point. The puppy's just point at you no matter what, and the Z-bombs will obviously reveal you. Recons rely on sneaky movement tactics, and usually fight over bases or choke points. But recons also have a reduced speed while cloaked meaning they have an even harder time navigating through these traps to take advantage of any positioning most of the time.
I will say I'm generally opposed to the idea of making capping harder, although I think these were mostly added to give players that were capping a little more active involvement. The major downside is, less people capping. People will more readily just skip out on capping in order to go fight for damage and kills elsewhere. It's nice to have people willing to split off to distract for a capping teammate, but that happened anyways with a good team. In general the traps just slow down capping, but I like LD for it's super fast paced nature.
my thoughts on a few key traps...
=Bad traps=
- rocket puppies: they have exceptionally long range especially upwards when you can't see a shot coming. It also adds a lot of RNG and AI manipulation into a match designed to be about players fighting skill. And of course, they detect recons. Guards can shield or walk in circles with little downside. Strikers can walk in circles and boost out at the first sign of danger like usual. But recons are stuck with a giant exploding flag following them saying "I'm over here!"
fix: Rocket puppies don't see through cloak. Maybe if the rocket is already locked on it would still follow, but at least this would give recon a better way of equalizing the field if puppies couldn't always track. I'd like the option to stand on the defeated puppy spawner to block it respawning, but in that case the puppy should get more health. Also, it's LD. The puppy should not have its piercing defense and elemental weakness. Make all weapons equally effective on it, otherwise it's promoting certain weapons and play styles over others.
- the big C of bullets: It's effectively similar to a giant vortex bomb during combat. you need to save your jump to get through it, or avoid it altogether. It also locks you into most bases when the gap goes against a wall. It completely removes any dancing on and off the base, and really limits dodging in general.
fix: Add a hole on the other side, or make it a 3 separate wall setup.
- the / of bullets across the entire base: This one really reduces the viable footprint to stand on. I actually think it could be fine as long as it didn't rotate, but I still wouldn't like it personally. I have literally no problems with the "hour hand" version of this that only covers 1 side at a time.
- the explodey block of my nightmares: It.... doesn't.... go away! It also takes up standing space and blocks shots. It provides a surprising amount of AOE deterrent to fighting on top of the base because you don't want to swing and hit it unless you're just outside it's range, and you can't walk close to it while gunning unless you want an extra warm backside. In general it really supports fast poke gunning of the base, but it can block charged shots. I haven't tested but I think it does less damage than most charges, and obviously wouldn't apply status effects from a charge. So again my gripe here is gameplay style bias.
fix: just...... make it go away..... even for a little while..... it haunts me. (I'm scared)
=Good traps=
- the single . bullets: These, these I like. They are new, but small and just enough to work with as a zoning tool if you walk around them. Maybe make them into the little buzzsaw enemies even, but I'm not sure I'd like them blocking shots in that case.
- the avalanche: I didn't get to play with this one yet, but I saw it while spectating. Nice drop of snow over a capture point every once in a while. I think it could do with some sort of indicator of when it would drop, but it didn't happen very often and that was nice.
- the vana ceiling: I love the concept on this one, but not a good execution yet. It falls too often, and is too noisy. Less often means less noisy. Considering you can hear it from about halfway across a small map, I think it just needs to be toned down somehow. Even if it was falling less often, it still does it's job of replacing the shadowfire and being annoying, seeing as how water sources aren't that close by.
- the sleep traps: Despite all the things I've said about not being able to dodge on and off a base, this one can be fun. It really forces people to either commit to capping the base, or go fight to make it safe. Do I think it need to be active all the time? No. However it's also a very fair trap. You step on it, you're going to sleep. I didn't see if the sleep resist worked on it, but I hope the sleep is too powerful for that. I don't really know if I like how this one slows down the game and forces a lot more team fights, but for now it's new and amusing.
I haven't seen any gun puppies yet, but I have seen rocket puppies. They're the best thing to happen to guardian bombers in ages- the rockets can't corner on tight turns, so you basically get a free, angry shield to hide behind that fights back on your behalf.
(whereas exploding blocks on capture points are just about the worst thing to happen. Standing on a capture point was already risky, but with this, forget about niceties like "dodging" while capturing)