Crazy Bad Suggestions

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Flash-Flire's picture

Self explanatory.
Make a terrible suggestion for SK and make it like something that would go in the suggestions forum, then we could discuss them to make them even more stupid.
I'll start it off.

I've been playing SK for a while now, and I think I figured out what we need.
More Tiers!
I'm thinking tiers up to tier 8 and up to 15 star gear. In tier 8, enemies would have new attacks such as silkwings being unkillable, gremlin demos making every square a bomb and wolvers calling to summon another 15 wolvers. You would have weapons such as the Mega-Ultra-Massive-Godzilla-Leviathan Blade (a 15* calibur) that deals at least 10000 per hit and damages the entire map, and armour like the Armageddon Set (15* chaos) with 2 sets of CTR max, Damage bonus max, MSI max, ASI max and health bonus +50.
This could affect Lockdown separation and the meta, but come on, who even plays PVP?

Crazee-Pi-Forum's picture
Remember, don't shoot food.

Hi, I would like to suggest duel wielding.

Flash-Flire's picture

That sound cool. If GH implements it along with my Tier 8 idea, it'd be cool to have 2 Mega-Ultra-Massive-Godzilla-Leviathan Blades against wolvers that don't appear.

Neueragon's picture
alright then.

so, we all know that balance is a big issue. OOO and now GH havent done much to fix it, so I propose a simple solution to balance everything.
all armor now has the same stats, giving a full bar of normal damage resistance and five points of health, nothing more.
all weapons now have the same attacks with the same damage and damage types without status.
all shields are now like omega shell, except a bit weaker.
heating does nothing.
upgrading to the next star level does nothing.
UVs stop existing.

that way, everything is balanced.
but we cant limit ourselves to just gear, enemies also have to be balanced.
so now all enemies have the same health and damage no matter the family or depth. they are normal to all damage types and deal only normal damage without any status. they have a ranged attack and a melee attack. bosses are the exact same as regular enemies.
every enemy drops ten crowns, a material and a unit of heat. the material is the only material now and is used to craft everything.
all levels are now just a moderately sized square. all levels now have a grey-ish theme.

but the balance still isnt done. appearance is still unbalanced. we wouldnt want people to feel superior now, would we?
all gear now looks like indistinct grey squares. all costumes now look like the exact same indistinct grey squares. accessories are gone.

but that still isnt fair to monsters. they arent equal, you know?
so now knights and monsters are the same. enemies are also now indistinct grey squares, identical in appearance to knights. haven is now the exact same moderately sized square as all levels. knights can hurt other knights, monsters can hurt other monsters.

now the game is finally balanced. nobody can complain that anything is better than anything else.

Oh come on

It wouldnt be balanced in the slightest

first, you also need to make it 1D, so basically just a line, and also the enemies and players are the exact same colour as the background, so the background doesnt feel left out.

And the character shouldnt be contollable because thats unfair to paralyzed people.

Also, the single line of grey pixels should each have an ID number instead of calling them 'enemies' or 'players', because that implies that some pixels are lesser than others, and all pixels have the same ID; 0

Remove the multiplayer aspect, because thats just unfair to people without friends. Make it a 0 player game (to not leave out non-people). You can only spectate haven.

You cant have music either, since thats just discriminating against deaf players.

and its way too easy for people with computers, so instead of making it a video game, its just a strip of monocoloured grey paper, distributed to every individual in the planet.

But then again, it would still be unbalanced for the people without a house, since their account can easily be stolen, so instead of delivering it, the dev just keeps it in his house to protect.

then THAT would balance the game. If you do that, spiral knights will have a huge influx of players (mostly because everyone will be 'playing' it, they just wouldnt know)

Fallen-Feces's picture

Everything is a mixmaster. Your head is a mixmaster! Your armor is made of mixmasters! Your shield is a mixmaster! Even the enemies are mixmasters!

Cetta's picture

I guess Add more tiers,but instead of Add more star equipment,they could Add Pet Runes for stat improve,for survive tose new tiers! VVV: