A Notice to All Fellow Gunslingers:
My name is Kizmet, and I’ve been a gunslinger from the day I fell in my pod. We deal with a lot of flack, not just from our guns but also from other players, who prefer more sharply-edged or explosive means of bringing the hurt on their enemies. Indeed, gunslingers are often criticized as the weakest of three “classes” that Spiral Knights has to offer. But I beg to differ! Gunslingers possess several advantages beside their obvious range and consequential kiting ability. Unique strategies and levels of control apply to gunners that can’t be found amongst swordsmen- our ability to deal any type of pure damage, provided we possess the right weapon, is one advantage. Our ability to inflict status ailments reliably and continuously is another. Perhaps soon will come the time when we can show our sword-toting comrades that if they and we squared off IRL with our weapons of choice, it would end with a whole lot of swiss-cheese corpses and celebratory charge attacks. So I ask you, my fellow marksmen, what would you say to a guild specifically for our range-loving people? A team of four gunslingers bringing down a horde of mobs is a beautiful thing indeed.
Would anyone be interested in this?
Sound interesting really, myself I'm not a gunslinger, sorry...
Anyway, people should be able to decide which class they want to be. Also, combination is the key to success. Of course 4 gunslingers ain't useless either.