Greetings fellow knights!
Lego Inc. is proud to introduce the initial roll out of the SK Price Check Tool! This was formed by averaging a number of popular merchants estimates on items and then posting it all to one spot for the community to use. While prices do fluctuate, we hope these price lists will help everyone in game to have a better understanding for the value of specific items and the ability to make informed decisions when buying/selling. The tool is not 100% completed yet and will continue to be improved both with aesthetics and item content. We encourage those using it to submit any discrepancies you have through the feedback boxes on each item page. This will help us find item prices that may have slipped through the cracks or changed over time and need updating. We will continually monitor submissions and adjust prices accordingly. The link can be found below:
UPDATE: The tools inventory has now been completed (9/19/2017). We are planning to incorporate a few other special things, but it's main purpose is now fulfilled.
or here is the link:
Any feedback or suggestions knights have can be directed to Legobuild in game.
Nicely done!