I really want 1
can anyone trade me forge prize boxes??????
Fri, 03/24/2017 - 10:21
Fri, 03/24/2017 - 22:10
Can someone:
Yes, they come unbound.
Will someone:
Most likely not unless you're paying, because you get good stuff from them and this is a market economy where we value goods and services for currency. All of the forge boxes I've gotten I've worked pretty hard for and I really appreciate them.. so no, I'm not going to just give them away, I'm going to enjoy them.
I don't know whether they're bound --- I haven't seen one in a while --- but generally requests for trades go in the Bazaar forum. You'll have more luck there. So please move this thread (by editing the original post, choosing that forum from the drop-down menu, and not leaving a shadow copy). Good luck.