As the name of the game is ''Spiral Knights'' I always thought,that we could add even more gear related to the "Knight theme" we already have.
Wouldnt be great to add some Axes?Pretty much by adding the Hammer from Serious they gave us a small taste.But why stop there and not add some axes?The one that gremlins have for example.Imagine in 5 star your axe evolves into a double axe for example.
The game mechanics of axes,should be like the ones that heavy sword have(sealed sword or troika line) cause they are way heavier than a sword so it makes sense to be like that.
Futhermore why not add something new too,apart from hammer and axes.Many would agree that pierce swords are kinda underrated in pve world.Their fast attacks and their combo makes difficult to hit the monsters.I see many times players use acheron than a btb against a beast cause its easier to target the opponent.So why not give pierce attack more meaning?What i suggest?Lances/spears!Another knight weapon.The spears could be a lot of slower than a pierce sword but with stronger attack.This could make a great addition to the game and fresh air.
Do you think the idea is good or bad?Does it worth to discuss on it and even think about weapon models or so?Feel free to talk,have a wonderfull day!
People prefer acheron to BTB against beasts since acheron can do more damage to beasts than BTB. The piercing swords are good against their designated monsters, especially with auto-target on, but split damage swords can just be a bit too overpowered with damage boosts.
More weapons to fill in gaps is nice. What would axes do differently from a standard sword? We already can use the thwack hammer as a 1* sword, and it behaves identical to a troika. What would a lance or a spear look like in terms of attacks? How would it be different than what we currently have?