How often does the level on the gate change? For example, if I go to moorcraft, and wait for the gate to change to something I want, how long does it take for each level? Also, what should I be doing with my non boss tokens? I have a good amount of primal Sparks and such saved up, I just don't know what to buy with them!
Gate level
Sat, 06/18/2011 - 06:32
Sat, 06/18/2011 - 07:54
Legacy Username
>gate changing time is around
>gate changing time is around 10 min I think
That isnt true. All the rotation varies, no clue what are the factors deciding on the lenght but it seemed that the more levels on the depth, the shorter the waiting time is.
Fri, 07/29/2011 - 00:59
Legacy Username
@Jooozek: "All the rotation
@Jooozek: "All the rotation varies, no clue what are the factors deciding on the lenght but it seemed that the more levels on the depth, the shorter the waiting time is."
Is that true? That's actually kind of interesting if so :D
gate changing time is around 10 min I think
non-boss token get exchanged at Brinks for either mats (that you can re-sell) or trinkets