just found my first luck potion at the casino, they seem to have a similar drop rate as the boxes. anyone got an idea as to their specific effect? might get the guild together and do some statisitics.
luck potions

In my experience with them (only rolled it 3 times) I get it when I already have my useable slots filled so I don't even get to use it. One of the 3 times I had it in a slot and when I used it my game crashed. Rare to win it with absolutely no positive outcome. It would be nice if gh would tell us what it does statistically. Does it effect your "luck" on lock boxes? Does it even effect cassinos? Sofar it's a mystery

Last time I was tinkering around with them, they seemed to apply a "rare item from casino" boost while in your toolbelt. That being said, no particular data for it, just observation.
I've had more issues trying to model the chance on the casino slots themselves than changes in the slot chances.
They appear to have a pool of items to drop. Some of the items are removed from the possible pool when obtained.

I get it so many times the more you have the better stuff supposedly you get

Luck potions are said to give a better chance for better prizes in the slime casino wheels . This is from the spiral knights wiki.
Also, if you see this realm, I am unable to play anymore, so... REALM!

i shall break all my luck potions in your name, rip brave knight

The wiki's data is... lacking.
It's likely that the source of that comment about the luck potions is from this thread.
I'm not aware of any dataset running the correct statistics for the sliem casino.

From my tests, it seems that a lucky aura has the same effect on luck as a luck potion.
We don't know if they do anything. The theory I'm digging the most is that all knights have a hidden luck stat and the potions either increase or decrease the luck stat randomly.
As such, you should use a luck potion, see if you're getting good rolls, and then ride out that luck value for as long as you can.