A casual glance over the Wiki about damage, levels or gear reveals a very specific design decision in Spiral Knights, that being that specific gear combinations seem to be better against specific foes and... "Not better" than specific other such. However, my question here is how pronounced this is. Can I, for instance, pick one set of gear and just run Clockwork instances with it, or do I really need to try and predict what I'll be fighting and what to pack for it?
Just as an idle example, I kind of like the Cobalt armour set, as while it doesn't have any elemental strengths, it also has no elemental weaknesses. I'm currently equipped with a Hod Edge one-star sword and thinking of swapping to something else that's similar, which is to say an even split between normal and elemental damage with a chance for Fire status (I assume such a thing exists). Ignoring other items, if I went with just those, would I be SOL? Would I need to pick specific levels? Would I need more gear to "adapt" to specific other instances?
I ask because while the T1 Clockwork levels are fairly doable with... Pretty much any gear you drag along, I assume the lower levels are less so. Mostly because the game has warned me about this on at least two separate occasions. But do I need to just snag two-star gear and go for it, or is it really, really crucial to pick the RIGHT two-star gear?
In short, is there such a thing as universally decent (not great, just decent) gear, or do I need to try and predict what I'll be fighting and bring the right gear for that?
Yeah, a fire/normal sword exists with the Brandish line, which goes all the way from 2* to 5*.
And as for gear, I'd describe them as ... helpful, definitely helpful, but if you're skilled enough, not necessary for anything except bosses. All that gear does is give you more room for error. What'll happen later in the game is that damage avoidance becomes way more important than armor mitigation, and just because you brought all Piercing defense to a floor full of Retrodes doesn't mean you're SOL. You just need to know their attack pattern well enough to avoid it.
At least that goes for Armor. Weaponry, I'd just say pick two or more weapons that complement each other. Do at least neutral damage to everything.
As long as you have a plan and playstyle that you know with the gear you've got, you can pretty much go on any non-boss strata (and I'm only giving that caveat because I haven't even touched Fire Storm Citadel yet, it could still apply to boss strata). Just going in with your fists swinging is going to get you killed, geared-out or not.