Arya is Recruiting

38 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Talsam


Arya is an active and friendly guild recruiting players of the same type. Members are active in both PvE and Lockdown and are willing to help and teach new players tips, tricks, missions and PvP strategies.

Arya is lead by Talsam and get supported by Djaah,Rogholder,Mariios,Lord-painblade,Snipedahead,jaif,Dragon-Fur and Spartans-Supreme.


Do not scam or beg your guildmates. (or everyone else)
Know the difference between conversation and spam; jokes and cruelty.
Politics, religion and racism are not tolerated in guild chat. Respect everyone's right to be who they are.
Be respectful to fellow guildmates and other players in all areas. It reflects on all of us.
The decision to leave is not taken lightly.

Arya takes a hard stance against the use of Auto-Target in Lockdown. Lockdown requires practice, skill, a little creativity, (and a bit of gear) but the use of Auto-Target not only robs a player of the chance to develop, it creates a wall that prevents many new players from developing or even continuing to play.

Tell us about yourself!

What is your knight's name?
Have you had any other names? If so, what were they?
What guilds have you been a member of previously?
What server are you on?
How long have you been playing?
Any goals within SK?
Why do you want to join Arya?
Do you know any current members of Arya?
(Optional) How old are you?
(Optional) Where are you from?

If you think you fit the bill and would like to join our membership, apply here in this thread.

By applying to this post you agree you understand and will to adhere to the rules and regulations presented herein.

Guild videos:
(Arya vs enrage)
(Arya vs enrage)

Guild yotubers:





Arya events:

2020 1v1 summer tournament

i want to join your guild

{1} levender
{2} no
(3) none
(4) US
(5) 4 years
{6) to be the best ld player :)
(7) i see it is a home to alot of ld players that are good and i think ya can help me get better than i already am
(8) yes ik talsam
(9) 16
(10) newyork

i want to join your guild

{1} levender
{2} no
(3) none
(4) US
(5) 4 years
{6) to be the best ld player :)
(7) i see it is a home to alot of ld players that are good and i think ya can help me get better than i already am
(8) yes ik talsam
(9) 16
(10) newyork

I want to join the guild

{1} the-discipline
{2} no
{3} none
{4} US
{5} a few years,then i quit sk,then after 1-2 years I come back
{6} to be prestigious, and try to become better at this game
{7} after many years, I feel a bit lonely so I want to join your guild :)
{8} no, (I'm lonely)
{9} 16
{10} Vietnam

Bild des Benutzers Remus-Played
Seems Interesting

1. Remus-Played
2. Spiral-Unit-One, Spiral-Unit-Steam, JohhnySmith
3. A few, My current one died. :(
4. US
5. Not quite sure how long, Played it on armorgames for a bit, quit, then reinstalled it on steam and started over.
6. Goals: To get a set of 5 Star gear and Meet new people to farm missions with.
7. I'd Like to join the guild because it's active, and may be good to find people to do missions with.
8. Nope.
9. Older than 12
10. Northeast US

Bild des Benutzers Jenovasforumchar
Nyan :3

Tell us about yourself!

What is your knight's name?

Have you had any other names? If so, what were they?
-Jenovasforumchar, because I can't write in forums with my Kongregate-main (btw anyone knows how to actually transfere it?)

What guilds have you been a member of previously?
-I started by creating Umbrae Mortis, then I joined a few old ones whose names I forgot, then some larger ones I also forgot, then Big Family has been one, something with Jelly King in name and finally I joined at 'Is A Vampire' where I am inside now.

What server are you on?
-for PvE i play EU. For PvP I play at US because there is not a single player at EU ...

How long have you been playing?
-I started playing exactly 7 days before that Mission system got added. If you are interested of the very date, then just check out the update logs and look up when that system got introduced. (I miss old revive system and capsule sharing, sniff, sniff)

Any goals within SK?
-My current goal: get these stupid Krogomo coins collected already, so I can FINALLY upgrade my 3 star electron vortexes to 4 star.... I get a chill when I think about having to do even more of that to reach 5 star -.-
-Aside that... I did reach most goals already. I can solo vana at elite difficulty. I can carry a whole bunch through D+N (never understood why people have trouble at that mission) and I have finally developed a decent tactic vs Greavers
-Ah yes, I just remembered two more things I wanted to do always: I only did Snarbolax Shadow lair only once, so I miss all others whose I eventually wanted to do when I feel ready (Snarbolax back then with nothing but a half baked shield and 4 star weapons :x)
-and then I also wanted to finish Crimsom hammer Tier 3 on elite difficulty

Why do you want to join Arya?
-Because Idnison talked me into it and 'Is A Vampire' is kinda dead.

Do you know any current members of Arya?
-Briefly Idnison and briefly Talsam, after having a chat with them about this guild

(Optional) How old are you?

(Optional) Where are you from?

Bild des Benutzers The-Judge-Xz

"Be respectful to fellow guildmates and other players in all areas. It reflects on all of us."

This is hilarious coming from Talsam.

Bild des Benutzers Jenovasforumchar

You forgot to mention, that only leetish people are welcomed into that guild and that people with less pvp experience and/or gear are not wanted here.

1.yayaah 2. none moon

2. none moon platoon
5.2 years
6. GET RICH then pass on my riches to friends :D
7. for fun
8. none
9.17 years old

Bild des Benutzers Top-Platinum
What is your knight's name? -

What is your knight's name?
- Top-Platinum

Have you had any other names? If so, what were they?
- No

What guilds have you been a member of previously?
- The Exceeds

What server are you on?
- EU

How long have you been playing?
- Since 2013.

Any goals within SK?
- Play Lockdown with other Veteran players and occasional Vana runs and Events runs.

Why do you want to join Arya?
- That's the only good lockdown guild left.

Do you know any current members of Arya?
- Yes, many


1) Zatherio
2) No
3) Dark Guardians, Circle of Magic, Gods
4) US
5) Maybe 2012 or 2013
6) I just craft whatever items that interest me.
7) Just looking for a guild with an active community, hopefully this one does.
8) No
9) 16

Bild des Benutzers Tehepicwin
1)Tehepicwin 2)Nope 3)Brick



3)Brick Squad


5)I've played it a long time ago, but I got into the game at around 2014-15.

6)I just want to have fun, possibly meet some of my old friends in this game.

7)One of your members talked to me about the guild. I think it would be cool to get into an ld guild, since the last one I joined, Brick Squad, fell a LONG time ago, but it was a lot of fun while it lasted.

8)Adnison, the guy/girl/whoever that talked to me. Just met them earlier today.



I want to join :D

1.Lord-of-soldiers (yes i know I spelt it incorrectly) :D
3.Enrage -_- (trash guild)
5.4 years idk
6.complete vanguard become rich and be the best at ld
7.need active guild that can take a joke :D
8.many people
10.england :D


1- Cotolettamen
2- No
3- Crystal Tribe
4- Europe
5- 1160 hours on steam, started playing some years ago then took a break
6- become one of the best players in pvp
7- i'm searching for a guild that is active and wants to play pvp, i'm up for pve sometimes too :P
8- no
9- 20
10- italy

Bild des Benutzers Julaiwnl
I'd like to join c:

1) Jula-iwnl
2) Had plenty xD, Oo-Omega-Oo, Nodre, Letzko, Princesitaa.
3) Hybrid Minds and Lightning Wolvers.
4) US
5) 2500 hours in steam, ~6 years. But been on since Beta.
6) Not really. Just arround for fun :D.
7) Searching for a guild with nice and active people.
8) Nope.
9) 19.
10) Argentina.

Bild des Benutzers Ill-Iowol-Ill

1. Smithia
2. None.
3. Final Order (Officer), Altosk (Veteran), Nikuman Empire (GM), Enrage (Member), Nerve (Member), Malevolence (Veteran), Wish Feather (Officer), The Hidden Leaf (Officer)
4. I live in Japan, so any is fine (laggy anywhere XD)
5. I think this is my 4th year?
6. get over 15k in lockdown!!! also, be famous in this game XD
7. Fun-looking guild XD. Lots and lots of GvGs, which is why I want to join.
8. I know... Reminx and Bright-Flash (lol)
9. 16
10. Japan

Just a old veteran of the

Just a old veteran of the game that has come back from a 2 year hiatus for one last run at the game...

1. Bazetto

2. SCP - Chaos and maybe once I get enough money I'll change it once more.

3. Altosk (Veteran), The Cursed Wanderers (Officer), The Exceeds (Veteran), Promise (Veteran), The Omicron Squad (GM), The SCP Foundation (currently in here and I'm the GM but everyone left or quit the game altogether while I was on a 2 year hiatus).

4. 'MERICA (U.S)

5. I've been playing for about 2 years but quit playing for 2 years until now.

6. I REALLY want to acquire a BKC. Shame that I don't have the money to buy one nor the luck to get one during the BKC event but I will try my best to get one! Overall, all I want to do is just enjoy whatever is left of the game. It's one of my favorites and can't seem to detach myself from it.

7. I want to join a guild with active members... That's it. No fun to play it alone all the time and with no friends to have a chat with.

8. No but I would love to get to know the people within the guild.

9. 17

10. 'MERICA (U.S)


-What is your knight's name?

Préparation de la recette : Préchauffez votre four à 180°C. Dans une casserole, faites fondre le chocolat et le beurre coupé en morceaux à feu très doux. Dans un saladier, ajoutez le sucre, les œufs, la farine. Mélangez. Ajoutez le mélange chocolat

-Have you had any other names? If so, what were they?

Préparation de la recette : Préchauffez votre four à 180°C. Dans une casserole, faites fondre le chocolat et le beurre coupé en morceaux à feu très doux. Dans un saladier, ajoutez le sucre, les œufs, la farine. Mélangez. Ajoutez le mélange chocolat

-What guilds have you been a member of previously?

Préparation de la recette : Préchauffez votre four à 180°C. Dans une casserole, faites fondre le chocolat et le beurre coupé en morceaux à feu très doux. Dans un saladier, ajoutez le sucre, les œufs, la farine. Mélangez. Ajoutez le mélange chocolat

-What server are you on?

Préparation de la recette : Préchauffez votre four à 180°C. Dans une casserole, faites fondre le chocolat et le beurre coupé en morceaux à feu très doux. Dans un saladier, ajoutez le sucre, les œufs, la farine. Mélangez. Ajoutez le mélange chocolat

-How long have you been playing?

Préparation de la recette : Préchauffez votre four à 180°C. Dans une casserole, faites fondre le chocolat et le beurre coupé en morceaux à feu très doux. Dans un saladier, ajoutez le sucre, les œufs, la farine. Mélangez. Ajoutez le mélange chocolat

-Any goals within SK?

Préparation de la recette : Préchauffez votre four à 180°C. Dans une casserole, faites fondre le chocolat et le beurre coupé en morceaux à feu très doux. Dans un saladier, ajoutez le sucre, les œufs, la farine. Mélangez. Ajoutez le mélange chocolat

-Why do you want to join Arya?

Préparation de la recette : Préchauffez votre four à 180°C. Dans une casserole, faites fondre le chocolat et le beurre coupé en morceaux à feu très doux. Dans un saladier, ajoutez le sucre, les œufs, la farine. Mélangez. Ajoutez le mélange chocolat

-Do you know any current members of Arya?

Préparation de la recette : Préchauffez votre four à 180°C. Dans une casserole, faites fondre le chocolat et le beurre coupé en morceaux à feu très doux. Dans un saladier, ajoutez le sucre, les œufs, la farine. Mélangez. Ajoutez le mélange chocolat

-(Optional) How old are you?

Préparation de la recette : Préchauffez votre four à 180°C. Dans une casserole, faites fondre le chocolat et le beurre coupé en morceaux à feu très doux. Dans un saladier, ajoutez le sucre, les œufs, la farine. Mélangez. Ajoutez le mélange chocolat

-(Optional) Where are you from?

Préparation de la recette : Préchauffez votre four à 180°C. Dans une casserole, faites fondre le chocolat et le beurre coupé en morceaux à feu très doux. Dans un saladier, ajoutez le sucre, les œufs, la farine. Mélangez. Ajoutez le mélange chocolat

Bild des Benutzers Razorai
i dont want to fill this in :3

(1) Razorai
(2) No, Razorai since 2011
(3) Most notably: Coup de Grace, Impervious
(4) EU
(5) 2011, 'bout 68 days playtime on character
(6) Craft all 5* gear
(7) Need good PvE guild with people that know what they are doing
(8) Illu
(9) 20
(10) Belgium

Post below or above is my brother Rago


1) Ragoknight
2) No
3) Coup de Grace and Impervious
4) EU
5) 2011, release of black/white/red rose sets
6) Crafting every armor/weapon
7) I'd like an active and joyful guild to be in once again like the good old days.
8) Illu
9) 17
10) Belgium
Post above is my brother Raz

Bild des Benutzers Theirillusion

I'll vouch for rago and razo.

Bild des Benutzers Manlet

What is your knight's name? Manlet
Have you had any other names? If so, what were they? No
What guilds have you been a member of previously? Manlet's House
What server are you on? USA
How long have you been playing? Since the beginning
Any goals within SK? Be strong
Why do you want to join Arya? You're strong
Do you know any current members of Arya? Yes
(Optional) How old are you? Old enough to be your father
(Optional) Where are you from? The Midwest

I want to join

Question 1: Kaijuhdlp
Question 2: No
Question 3: Fiery Fortress (or so)
Question 4: USA
Question 5: 2 or 3 months
Question 6: Only have a Funny time
Question 7: i dont play SK for 1 Year, no one on my old Guild play this game anymore and i dont like to Play alone :)
Question 8: no not realy
Optional Question 1: 16
Optional Question 2: Germany, but i dont think this is a Problem.

but i want to say
I didnt know how often i am Online, but i try to come Online if i have time

Bild des Benutzers Talsam
we recuiting again

after 3 yeards arya back to be active we have the same objectives off be active guild and doing fun gvg fsc run's pve and fun
we building new comunity and we looking for you guys hope to see you here ^ ^

Bild des Benutzers Talsam
spiny-healer apply

What is your knight's name?

Have you had any other names? If so, what were they?

What guilds have you been a member of previously?
-Topaz Griffin Order mostly

What server are you on?

How long have you been playing?
-2011 but i stopped around 2015 and came back recently

Any goals within SK?
-have a good time

Why do you want to join Arya?
-to have people to play with

Do you know any current members of Arya?
-Talsam, Weeznox

(Optional) How old are you?

Bild des Benutzers Deathcame
What is your knight's name?

What is your knight's name? Deathcame

What guilds have you been a member of previously? Dragon Knights, Is a Vampire

What server are you on? EU

How long have you been playing? First played in 2011, 1300 hours game time, on and off, mostly off, last time i played was like 3 years ago.

Any goals within SK? Master mechanics, learn all the tipz and trickz there are, but most importantly - have some fun with fine lads.

Why do you want to join Arya? I heard you have cookies.

Do you know any current members of Arya? No

(Optional) How old are you? 26

(Optional) Where are you from? Poland

Bild des Benutzers Dream-Harmonics

What is your knight's name? Dream-Harmonics
Have you had any other names? If so, what were they? Razorlined, Daft-Drunk
What guilds have you been a member of previously? Knightmare, Guild, Impervious, Echo of Silence, The Exceeds, Twelve, Sexy Knights
What server are you on? EU
How long have you been playing? 9 years (Starting March 2011)
Any goals within SK? To be!
Why do you want to join Arya? No particular reason.
Do you know any current members of Arya? Not well enough or recently to warrant "knowing".
(Optional) How old are you? 25 in July
(Optional) Where are you from? England

What is your knight's name?

What is your knight's name? Dreamkills
Have you had any other names? If so, what were they? Alcatraz and Dreamkills; main dreamkills now
What guilds have you been a member of previously? Nirvana was the founder and left in 2012, The Exceeds atm but leaving it soon
What server are you on? The USA Havens 1-5
How long have you been playing? a couple of years
Any goals within SK? To merch :o, do dung runs, and grind for all gear
Why do you want to join Arya? Better suited in teaching me skills and training as well as more helpful members in this guild than my previous one it seems honestly.
Do you know any current members of Arya? TAlSAM!
(Optional) How old are you? 25
(Optional) Where are you from? Texas :o

Bild des Benutzers Almondtasterad
Why not.

Name: Invalid-Individual, though I have gone by many, many other names and characters over my time.

Other Names: Umm..Well...Here we go I guess: Heavy-Destoyer, Mercual, Rilight, Merc-The-Monsta, Vilu-Daskar, Sivicstourguide, Im-Noob-Too, Sa-Dude, and finally this one. Yeah I'm crazy that way.

Guilds: Big ones that I was heavily involved in were The Exceeds, Promise, CoM, Monsta Inc. (If anyone remembers that guild), Altosk, and Lionheart (Can't remember the exact name of the guild, was a long time ago.)

Server: Merica.

Playtime: Consistently since 2013.

Goals: 1) Get my first 10mil through merching before the big energy sale 2) Unbox a Twilight Aura and Vial Bando at some point 3) At some point I would like to have enough skill in LD to become a competent fighter against most of the major threats in LD.

Why Join? I am an older player, and I really just want to be in a guild with a good amount of older players that I can chill and talk with.

Members Known: See, I could tell you, but so many people change their names (Like me) that I cannot name any specific person that I know.

Age: 18

Ima just say I'm in the U.S. somewhere.

Good Stuff.


{1} Sylvanas-Windrunn
{2} No,Atm have and play just one character.
(3) Embermist,
(4) Eu
(5) pfeeew around 5 years with some longer breaks
{6) To learn and master pvp and pve content of the game,and destroy everyone who doubting girl gamers!! :3
(7) My sensei Talsam!!
(8) Read above!!
(9) You should not ask woman about age,but since you need to know..27 -.-
(10) Germany


1. What is your knight's name? Jebote-sir

2. Have you had any other names? If so, what were they? Yes, a lot. I play a lot of competitive FPS games and RPG. I have over 800+ hours in Rainbow Six Siege and in Csgo 450 hours

3. What guilds have you been a member of previously? I dont remember

4. What server are you on? Europe

5. How long have you been playing? I started playing this game in 2012 and I had multiple accounts but I lost them.

6. Any goals within SK? Geting good and strong equimpent and making good friends so that I can play with them.

7. Why do you want to join Arya? Im looking for very good populated and friendly guilds

8. Do you know any current members of Arya? No
9. (Optional) How old are you? Im 18 years old
10. (Optional) Where are you from? Im from Croatia


YES!!!! ]][[
Bush Killah but i didnt say anything, Owsla, Upper Echelon, Secreta Secretorum, Tantalus Company
live in SA, so two bar USA
2k hours since 2011...
TALK to people
word round haven is Arya has TALKING mmebers. No thats not word word is that its active, also it has a cool name, quintessential for good guilds
briefly talked with Hamashaki today


Hello! i would really like to join your guild


What is your knight's name? Kronior
Have you had any other names? If so, what were they? Nope, i had other characters in the past but i didnt go really far with them and i dont remember theyr names
What guilds have you been a member of previously? None
What server are you on? Server? Didnt understand
How long have you been playing? For a month
Any goals within SK? SK? I dont want to be rude but, what is sk?
Why do you want to join Arya? Because this guild looks nice!
Do you know any current members of Arya? Nope
(Optional) How old are you? 11
(Optional) Where are you from? Brazil

Hi i would like to join the guild

What is your knight's name? Lola-Rena
Have you had any other names? If so, what were they? no, I had accounts but with the same name
What guilds have you been a member of previously? Lightning Wolvers
What server are you on? Haven 27
How long have you been playing? 5 years
Any goals within SK? collect weapons and go far
Why do you want to join Arya? I would like to join to know how people are and have experience with a European guild
Do you know any current members of Arya? Yes, Mr-woo, aftez and kluj


1) HahonioBG
2) I don't have other names or knights.
3) I was in a guild back in the days but i don't remmember the name.
4) Europe
5) I started playing SK in 2015 but then i stopped for a couple of years. My knight have 220 hours play time.
6) I want to have fun and get strong items.
7) I want to join Arya because i want to find a group of people to play with and have fun.
8) I don't know anyone from Arya but i will be happy to get to know the guild members.
9) I am 18 years old
10) I am from Bulgaria.

I would like to join

my knight's name is Ninerick
no old names at all
haven't been in guilds from what I remember
I've been playing for a few years (about 2-3 years)
still haven't beat all the rank missions and I'm planning to
I would love to meet new people who share my interests
I don't know any members at the moment

Bild des Benutzers Guin-Aoiichi

is " Arya " the Guild's name ? and is it a " Game of Thrones " reference ?

Bild des Benutzers Graevy
What do you think this random

What do you think this random guild's name is? Im sure "Arya is recruiting" means nothing at all