Locked door, but no key?

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So, I was running the tier 2 arcade, and the final level was Aurora isles: Stone grove.
There was a locked door in the level, and we explored every part of the level before leaving but there wasn't a key anywhere for some reason. I'm assuming this is a bug, if this is just lack of foresight on my part then oops lol.

Here's a pic of the map for reference

if this isn't a bug and I just never got close enough for the key to register on the map somehow then my bad, but as far as I can tell there's no key.
Not exactly important to note but all that was behind it was a few treasure boxes. Luckily no orbs dropped so I didn't need to be salty about it lol.

inb4 its not a bug but it's just a level design oversight. Still a problem, though.

Locked door, but a secret.

It isn't a bug. It isn't an oversight. You would find no key on your map, even if you could walk through walls.

Maybe someone have lost it in tall grass?

Hehehe. :D

Ok, enough jokes. Yes, you're right, you probably weren't looking for it hard enough. Or weren't lucky enough to look for it hard enough. There are some secrets in the Clockworks. They aren't many in my opinion, but they are present. And I'm not going to spoil any of them for you. :)

(Well, unless I've spoilt it already or you found somewhere how to get it. Also, please, excuse my English.)