Greetings Fellow Knights
I have been a spiral knights player and a member of this lovely comunity for over 6 years..
if my memory serves me well.. i begun playing Spiral Knights back in late 2011, charmed by its design, style and people, i spent hours and hours entertaining myself and those around me.. within the first year i reached the ranks of vanguard and decided to dedicate my time Mentoring new players and helping the comunity.. i created my own guild and dedicated it to Helping people, teaching about the game and creating little events for entertainment and fun for those around... over the course of these long 6 years i have mentored over 30 players by myself, each taking up few months of dedication and almost daily monitoring as we trained, ventured into the clockworks and had fun.. these people turned to ranks of vanguard in almost no time, and became great part of the comunity. I ranked up over 3600+ hours of playtime.. majority of it dedicaed to the players and the comunity.. in this time i had a chance to participate on the forums, asist GM with bugs, contribute to the comunity and make it a better place, help fellow players out, boost new players and bring more knights to our lovely cradle.. suport high and cheerful spirits and pass down good morals and fairplay.. and most importantly i enjoyed it.
Very early on i have heard of a legendary and somewhat secretive item known as the Purple Spiral.. awarded to selected few players out there for their contribution to the comunity.
I have always wished to have the honnor of someday acquiring such an item..
Now, 6 long years has passed and i have been there, watching the comunity grow, watching the clockworks shift, watching the swarm devour and spread itself.. i have done many things, compleated many chllanges, had many wonderful memories of friends and fun times in clockworks and cradle as we ran with tails betwen our legs from Apocrea, got your heads smashed by tortodrones.. got stuck in slime and fought to escape the klutches of swarm and reach out other players to join us..
But in all this time i have never been able to receive Purple Spiral, mainly because i thought to myself.. it will come alone with time.
Today i would like to make a Humble Request: to get a chance to converse with a GM / Moderator and find out what challange yet needs to be met before i can honnor myself with an almost forgotten item.. the Purple Spiral
I'm fairly certain Purple Spirals are given out to players who show extraordinary... well, knightiness. Many players are long-term players, and have become active and helpful parts of the community, but it takes a pure heart to look at the prismatic bolted vees incident, report on it, and come out of the whole thing clean yourself. It takes a pure heart to go above and beyond to help Spiral Knights not just as a game, but to make your own silent mark on its history.
I want to say Purple Spirals are artifacts that are granted, not earned. There's not procedure to follow to be awarded with a Purple Spiral - it is something that goes to those who do the right thing, not necessarily the most active and vocal players.
So keep being the awesome knight that you are! It's a pretty longshot goal, but if you keep on the path you're on you'll make a larger impact anyways - on the experiences of the knights you interact with every day. In a sense, you've achieved an award higher than a Purple Spiral with that sort of dedication. :)
(Besides, we all know that a lime spiral is definitely the most awesomest coolest reward *blinks "help" in morse code* that totally exists and should be sought after more than a silly purple one.)