I'm considering making a detailed guide for the rank missions. Has one ever been made?
mission giude
I didn't make this guide. An old guildie did. Could only copy and paste the text without all the pictures he included in the guide because it was posted in a private site.
If what you're planning on doing is as detailed as this guide for just one mission then I'd say go for it.
Mission Description:
Even after Lord Vanaduke's defeat at your hands, Firestorm Citadel continues to burn with accursed flames. Though the nature sprites have been steadily making progress in fighting the flames, something or someone has recently caused a violent resurgence in its destructive power. Spiral HQ requests that you gather together a crack squad of knights and return to the collapsing ruins of Firestorm Citadel in order to discover the source of the disturbance.
Mission Objective:
Discover the source of the disturbance in Firestorm Citadel.
Difficulty: Hard >:(
Recommended Equipment: Crest of Almire, Maskeraith, Seraphynx, Shivermist Buster, Elemental Weapons.
Enemies: Almirian Crusaders (13), Almirian Shadowguards (2), Blech Bunnies (10), Burning Bombies (4), Burning Deadnaughts (4), Darkfang Demo (1), Darkfang Menders (2), Darkfang Scorcher (1), Darkfang Thwacker (1), Fire Souls (∞), Herex (1), Isotrodes (4), Oilers (3), Pepper Kats (2), Poison Knights (14), Sick Puppies (2), Silkwing (1), Slag Walkers (48), Smoking Howlitzers (11), Sun Scarabs (46), Toxic Mortafires (2), Trojan (1), Wheel Launchers (28).
Possible Status Inflictions from Enemies: Fire, Poison, Stun.
Possible Damage Types from Enemies: Dark, Elemental, Normal, Piercing.
Rewards: Prestige (150), Radiant Fire Crystals (15), Sparks of Life (3).
# of Runs Launched in Order to Gather&Compile Data: 28 29
Release Date: May 2015
Custom Symbols Key:
= Starting Elevator
= Video Demonstration
Floor 24:
Enemies -
7 Almirian Crusaders
2 Burning Bombies
2 Burning Deadnaughts
3 Oilers
2 Pepper Kats
35 Slag Walkers
7 Smoking Howlitzers
28 Sun Scarabs
19 Wheel Launchers
Points of Interest -
2 Health Boxes
12 Treasure Boxes
5 Mineral Deposits
Floor 24's layout should be familiar to you, so there isn't anything to be said about this floor. Except, you need to be cautious of dealing with Wheel Launchers, Sun Scarabs, and Slag Walkers whilst maneuvering the 3 Cursed Nature Sprites into the empty fountain near the middle of the map. Also, there's no need to rush and allow Shadow Fire to impede your movement at the area right before the Exit Elevator; you'll be dealing with 3 waves of enemies, after all. So, once you've taken out most of the enemies of the first wave, focus on extinguishing the Shadow Fire scattered throughout the arena before continuing the next 2 waves.
Floor 25:
Enemies -
2 Almirian Shadowguards
6 Almirian Crusaders
2 Burning Bombies
2 Burning Deadnaughts
∞ Fire Souls
1 Silkwing
13 Slag Walkers
4 Smoking Howlitzers
18 Sun Scarabs
1 Trojan
9 Wheel Launchers
Points of Interest -
11 Treasure Boxes
2 Mineral Deposits
Floor 25's layout has significantly changed since the last mission here; the Gun Puppy Room, the old Exit Elevator, and the two rooms beside the Starting Elevator have been permanently blocked off by rubble. So, there are 5 areas that you can head off to, but you should save Area D for last and Area E for later. (The end of Area D is locked off by the keys located near Area C and Area A/Area B, and Area E is blocked off by Shadow Fire that won't disappear until you liberate Area A from enemies.) Before you head off and leave the Starting Elevator, make sure that you've done everything you've needed to be done irl; infinite Fire Souls won't give you the luxury of resting on this floor.
Area A:
This area's gimmick is its large, anti-clockwise-moving, and swift sweeper in the middle of it. So, prepare to face Sun Scarabs at the top left region of Area A once you step on the red button in the room. The next wave of enemies (Sun Scarabs and a Smoking Howlitzer) will spawn on the top right region of the current area, and the third wave (more Sun Scarabs and another Smoking Howlitzer) will appear at the bottom left region. The final region will house 3 Slag Walkers. Once you're done, you have the options of going to Area E (which houses 3 Treasure Boxes), Area B (in order to gain access to a key after clearing out some enemies), or Area C (another area that requires cleansing for a key). If you've already cleared Area B, take the key and stash it near Area D. If you already have both keys, head into Area D.
Area B:
The significance of this Area's layout is that its smaller size will force you to get up close and personal with the nasties in this room. Before you step on the red button in this room, prepare to head towards the top right region of the area with a charged weapon and maneuver around 2 Burning Bombies in order to quickly kill off the Burning Deadnaught there. Once you're finished, herd the 4 Slag Walkers into one of the four corner of the room and pick them off one by one. Current options: Area A or Area C. (Area E is another option if you've already cleared Area A; head towards Area D if you've acquired access to both keys.)
Area C:
Alright, prepare for a Burning Deadnaught at the right region of the area and 6 Slag Walkers scattered everywhere. Your options after you've finished is: Area A, Area B, Area E (if Area A has been cleared), or Area D. Don't forget the Mineral Deposits near Area C!
Area D and Beyond:
Area D will contain a Trojan, Silkwing, and 2 Smoking Howlitzers for your troubles, so far. Once you've taken them out and unlocked the two gates, quickly move across the large chain and head towards the area to the right. Take the nearby Water Orb and extinguish the 3 patches of Shadow Fire you're able to reach, without taking a step on this deadly obstacle course. COMPLETE DEATH JOG. The next room fight consists of 2 Almirian Shadow Guards and 4 awakened Almirian Crusaders. However, once the 4 Almirian Crusaders are defeated, 2 of the ash figures will have glowing-veins that indicate 2 unawakened Almirian Crusaders. (In other words, don't be too reckless with your attacks until the Almirian Shadow Guards are gone.)
Floor 26:
Enemies -
10 Blech Bunnies
1 Darkfang Demo
1 Darkfang Thwacker
2 Darkfang Menders
1 Darkfang Scorcher
1 Herex
4 Isotrodes
14 Poison Knights
2 Sick Puppies
2 Toxic Mortafires
Points of Interest -
12 Treasure Boxes
4 Mineral Deposits
You were expecting Lord Vanilladuke? Too bad, kono Herex da! (Featuring the Gonker Squad Boogaloo). Somewhat obscure references aside, there are three waves of mostly Poison-themed enemies on this floor. The first two waves are easy pickings with well-timed Elemental charge attacks. After each wave, Herex will spawn and be cloaked (like a Ghostmane Stalker) and warn you of his presence via Recon Mark and/or Death Mark. However, Herex is a giant pushover; just keep smashing the "z" key until he gives up. The funny thing is, the third wave is considerably more difficult than Herex himself; it features 6 Mecha Knights, 2 Darkfang Menders, 2 Toxic Mortafires, 2 Darkfang Demos, 2 Isotrodes, 1 Darkfang Scorcher, and 1 Darkfang Thwacker. If you're feeling overwhelmed by that combination, just slowly burst-blitz each Construct until you only have to deal with the Gremlin hooligans. Once you've whooped Herex's ass for the third time, he'll finally give up and allow your to complete your mission. Now, get your loot and get out of there. /salute
The wiki has a detailed List of rank missions. It's not really a "guide" --- it pretty much just sticks to the facts --- but it presents all of the key information.
So what would you do differently? Tell players which missions to farm? We have farming guides for that. Offer loadout suggestions? That sounds like a lot of work for not much value (because many novice players will have only one loadout anyway). Tell players which missions are most important for the plot? That sounds like a decent idea, but maybe it's better to work on Spiral Order and just cite the missions. Hmm.