Guess who's back!?

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Iyashi's picture


It's been a while! (Few years...)

I've not played since the collapse of Jempire. Before I install again, I'd like to ask a few questions!

1) Is the game more stable?
- In the past, the game ran through Java which had severe memory leak issues to the point of crippling a pc's processes after only an hour of playing.

2) Is there new content?
- I haven't played in years, whats changed?

3) Where in cradle is King-Tinkinzar?
- The player, not the gremlin. I gave him my darkfang shield, I want it back ;D

You may know me as...

Cryptogniachus (My alt, but still)

owo wahts this?

I saw you sperging in bazaar today lol

Bopp's picture
don't know you

I don't know who you are, but here are some answers:

1. The game still runs in a Java virtual machine. It is stable for me, but then it was never unstable for me.

2. I can't tell you what has changed since you left, because I don't know when you left. How would I? But you can get a wealth of information from the first TWO posts in this thread here:

3. I don't know. Maybe you can track down some old friends in common. But Darkfang Shields are not uncommon anymore, so your previously precious resource is no longer so precious.


I remember this Jempirian. From a Jempire post related to the accursed Darkcub.

The game's stability is unknown. I don't have a clue.
Quite a lot has changed, since the last few years. You'll be like "Meh, I guess it's a new beginning... Again."
Many people have changed their names. MANY, you'd fail to recognize that person you mention even IF he is still in the game.