Never understood why.
How come the vast majority of people don't allow inspect?
I'm kind of with you to be honest, having full inspect on can be huge for discussing strategy before the game starts... which is why I keep mine on.
I agree it's too bad. I can't feature people in my fashion thread who don't allow inspect.
Post #1 above neglects to mention it, but I also prefer it when people have full inspection on. I'm pretty ignorant of most of the costumes, accessories, and other cosmetics. So sometimes there will be an interesting knight in Haven and I don't understand how they made their outfit.
I used to turn it off when playing ld, since people would complain about uvs even when they have them as well.
Yeah i also dislike it when people turn off Allow Inspect. I'm going to answer OP's question the same way when i ask my friend why he always turn off Allow Inspect. The thing is, just like in other MMOs, usually new players who had difficulty playing the game, most typically little kids, would inspect Veteran players and if they see that we have good equips they would ask for help with their missions and/or spam Trade asking for money. This can be annoying to some.
1) To prevent noobs from seeing stuff and then begging.
2) To keep a competitive advantage in LD (if someone doesn't know you have max normal defense, they won't know not to use normal damage weapons)
3) To save oneself from being called a loser for having top tier UVed shizz or costumes
4) To prevent nosy people from seeing your set and taking your ideas (like you guys above)
Really petty reasons tbh, but who really cares. Mind your own business and it won't matter.
"Mind your own business and it won't matter."
It's a cooperative and social game, so it will both matter and is kind of the point of the game. Besides, most of the time it's newer players I'm being nosy about, as they tend to ask me for help and I want to gripe about their poor choice of armor.
I think a fraction of people disallow it because their costumes look better when their knight is not holding weapon and shield.
I have several reasons, hiss; but they all generally boil down to "there is nothing positive anyone other than me can do with this information".
Isn't it opt-in? I mean, the default is not to allow inspections, right? Maybe many players don't know that the option is there.