Planet Crasher

A new game.
Your spaceship crashed into an alien planet.
The planet has no humans, only animals and insects.
There seems to be grass everywhere.
A day is separated into 24 hours. You sleep for 9 hours.
Your main objective is to build a spaceship and hope that it doesn't crash on an another planet.
We'll start at 3 players, maybe 4.
Remember: No humans.

Planet is ours. Kill everything.

Alright, you two are alone.
@Crazee-Pi-Forum You are the only humans, the planet has no other lifeform that even comes close to being a human.
@Blazecat-Percival Probably not a good idea to kill everything with bare hands.

There is a forest in front of you.
There are rocks on the ground.
Grass is everywhere.
Crazee and Blazecat (I'm gonna say your name like this, too lazy to type out the entire name), what are you going to do?

Eat the rocks for nutrients.
Go into the forest.

Pick up some rocks and throw them at the wildlife.

Random spaceship appears out of nowhere and smashes into planet then explodes.
A wild Teddy appeared (keeping my nickname Teddy from old Abnormal CaKe SiMuLaToR)
Go into the forest.
Get some sticks. And rocks.
Sticks and rocks.

Crazee ate the rocks and can't do anything for 2 hours.
Blazecat started throwing rocks at bugs. He eventually got one caterpillar.
Teddy went to the forest, collected sticks and rocks and came back.
1x Caterpillar (dead)
12x Sticks
20x Rocks
Only Blazecat and Teddy can do something, Crazee needs to rest because he ate rocks.
Tip: You can survive 9 days without food and 3 days without water.

Digest the rocks so I can do stuff again.

Waiting for other people to post their doings.
Oh, and you're already digesting rocks. It seems to be a little harder than usual.

Turn the dead caterpillar into military-grade biofuel for our spaceship.

Digest the rocks harder!
While I'm doing that, wonder why I'm so terrible at multitasking that I can't do other stuff while I'm digesting.

A strange creature suddenly appears from out of the bushes nearby. A native inhabitant, perhaps?
(This is my entry into the game)

@Delecated Oh, I guess there is "human like lifeform" on this planet.
I guess Teddy is just gonna stand around for a hour.
@Crazee OK, I'll buff the rocks. You can do stuff, but it will take longer, because your stomach seems to hurt.
1x Fuel
12x Sticks
20x Rocks
Tip: You should build a shelter.

Use our crashed spaceship as a shelter.

I approach the group, and attempts to gesture that I mean no harm to them.

Delecated has joined the group!
The crashed spaceship is like a cave.
It will protect you from weather, but not hot and cold temperatures.
Teddy automatically collects leaves.
1x Fuel
12x Sticks
20x Rocks
30x Leaves
Tip: It's noon when there's 19 hours remaining (you landed at 7 AM).

Look around the area for something to do.

Look for a lifeform that is bigger than a caterpillar.

I try asking everyone about what happened in my native tongue to see if they can somehow understand me.

Everyone (3) understands Delecated... somehow.
Crazee-Pi-Forum starts looking around the plains (1/2).
He finds a rabbit and calls Blazecat, who kills it using a rock.
Teddy picks up a sharp rock and tries to cut a tree with it (1/3).
1x Fuel
12x Sticks
20x Rocks
30x Leaves
Tip: See those fractions? Those indicate how many hours have you done something and how many hours you need to finish that thing. Crazee can't do anything the next hour, since he is still looking around the plains for something useful. Teddy... well...

Look around the plains with a PASSION!

Gather a bunch of sticks for myself.

Get some sorta string-like object/plant. I wanna make an axe to get more sticks.
It makes cutting the tree easier somewhat.

Delecated starts using the leaves to cover up the entrace of your broken spaceship shelter. (1/2)
Crazee looks around the plains (2/2) and finds... nothing.
@Blazecat Resources are shared between all players, you can't keep items for only yourself while stranded in an unknown planet.
Anyways, you collect sticks.
Teddy comes out of the robot mode and starts looking around for a string. Nobody knows how long that will take him.
1x Fuel
24x Sticks
20x Rocks
21x Leaves
Tip: By covering up the entrance of your shelter, you gain a little bit of protection from temperature.

Keep looking for a string or three.
Probably not three, though.

Help Ze-Epik find some string.

Attempt to craft a sniper rifle with some of the sticks.

Crazee helps Teddy find string, and they found 2 pieces of vines, that you can use for tools really well.
Delecated has finished covering up the spaceship entrace with leaves! You gained a bit of protection from weather.
Blazecat has started building a sniper rifle (1/4)
1x Fuel
24x Sticks
20x Rocks
12x Leaves
2x Vines
Tip: You can cancel an action that takes multiple hours at any time.

Help Blazecat make the sniper rifle because I want to see if this works.

Craft 5x spears out of sticks and rocks. For chucking at things.

Imma make an axe.
To help with that tree I was cutting earlier so we can burn it so we can be not freezing to death.

Teddy has started crafting the axe using a stick, a rock and a vine. (1/3)
Delecated can only craft 1 spear. He starts doing that now. (1/2)
Crazee goes to Blazecat and helps him.
Blazecat needs vines to build the sniper rifle further. (2/4)
Crazee starts looking for some. (1/2)
1x Fuel
18x Sticks
16x Rocks
12x Leaves
0x Vines
Tip: Once you have crafted something you have never crafted before, the crafting time for that item gets severely reduced for the player who crafted it.

Crazee has finished looking for vines. He found two.
Blazecat uses those two vines. (3/4)
Delecated has finished crafting the spear. It can be used at close or medium range.
Teddy is still crafting the axe. (2/3)
1x Fuel
18x Sticks
16x Rocks
12x Leaves
0x Vines
1x Spear
Tip: When everyone is busy doing something, time will skip until someone finishes.

Delecated goes hunting. (1/2)
Crazee goes vine-gathering and gets 3 of them, now that he knows where they are.
Blazecat has finished making the sniper rifle!
Wooden Sniper Rifle
It's more like a gun-shaped slingshot. Oh well.
Clip size: 5
Ammunition: Rocks
Strong at close-mid range.
Teddy has finished making the axe!
Stone Axe
Meh, it works.
Speed: 2 small trees/h
1x Fuel
18x Sticks
16x Rocks
12x Leaves
3x Vines
0x Spear (Delecated took it)
1x Stone Axe
1x Wooden Sniper Rifle
Tip: Once you have gathered an item and then used it, you will see in your inventory that you have 0 of it, instead of it disappearing completely.

Tell Ze-Epik we can do better than the axe and start making a chainsaw.

@Crazee Making a chainsaw requires electricity. You haven't discovered that yet.
Delecated has finished hunting! He got 2 rabbits.
Blazecat goes hunting with a sniper rifle. He gets a chicken eventually.
Ze-Epik chopped down 2 small trees.
1x Fuel
18x Sticks
16x Rocks
12x Leaves
3x Vines
3x Rabbit (dead)
1x Chicken (dead)
10x Small Logs
1x Spear (Durability: 98%)
1x Stone Axe (Durability: 96%)
1x Wooden Sniper Rifle (Durability: 96%)

Hopefully cook the Chicken on Delecated's campfire.

Make a hammer for smashing rocks.

Delecated takes 7 sticks and 3 logs, places them in a pile. He then takes two rocks and starts smashing them together. (1/2)
Sorry, Blazecat, but you cannot get some chicken today. Or maybe you can. Who knows, there's 6 hours left until tomorrow strikes.
Crazee starts building a hammer. (1/3)
1x Fuel
11x Sticks
13x Rocks (2 occupied by Delecated)
12x Leaves
1x Vines
3x Rabbit (dead)
1x Chicken (dead)
10x Small Logs
1x Spear (Durability: 98%)
1x Stone Axe (Durability: 96%)
1x Wooden Sniper Rifle (Durability: 96%)

Make a hammer like there's no tomorrow.
Sure why not, even though 3 people probably won't happen considering the state of these forums.
Also, when you say no humans at the end, are you saying we can't play as humans, or just reminding us that the planet has no humans?